Recent content by kevpries

  1. K

    Buying a profitable system

    copy/pasted if you have missed it.... I can even tell you 2 that work and this for $0... 1. Sell option at the money and then buy a few with the money "of the sale" (self financing strategy...) - the ones you buy should be deep out the money in the same direction. In other words - sell a call...
  2. K

    Thinking to start a hedge fund - will I be labeled the new Madoff?

    anyway....don't have the time to argue as I am busy, can't waste time in forums. But...most replies are selfevident. It's quite funny though how several people mentioned that I will get money only from fools (as I would want money only from supermasrt people???) has mentioned here and in...
  3. K

    Buying a profitable system

    I can even tell you 2 that work and this for $0... 1. Sell option at the money and then buy a few with the money "of the sale" (self financing strategy...) - the ones you buy should be deep out the money in the same direction. In other words - sell a call option at the money and buy a few call...
  4. K

    Thinking to start a hedge fund - will I be labeled the new Madoff?

    So...I happen to have a little less than $100k - which I know is a tiny amount for professional capital. And...that's why I am thinking on how to raise additional funds. One of my ideas was to start a hedge fund and offer investors the option to open account online and deposit money
  5. K

    Is creating professional investment software a good business idea? bet, though I am mostly leaning towards the green energy thing...there are about 500 webbookies and pool betting isnt popular at all in sports like football, basketball, etc. I will also need huge liquidity in the very beginning. However...truth be told, as much as i am trying to put...
  6. K

    Is creating professional investment software a good business idea?

    10x for the words...seriously it's always...joyfull to see some constructive criticism online. Though I agree and as well...disagree on some things. See, ideas are cheap really, that's the reason you don't see sites for selling/buying literally ideas and thats why VC don't invest in ideas but...
  7. K

    Is creating professional investment software a good business idea?

    that's why we're talking about selling here and not "selling things that always work". Cheers Dionysus.
  8. K

    Is creating professional investment software a good business idea?

    Heh good point... :). I can even write a book "how I made $2,000,000 trading frozen orange juice futures...and then lost all" - speaking of which the last part of the sentence is never mentioned in this type of books. Seriously though, I don't think too many people buy into this type of thing -...
  9. K

    Is creating professional investment software a good business idea?

    I have about 15 other ideas so to speak...just researching the market imo.
  10. K Any body know them?

    unless you're working for them...what's the great deal about blombergex? Like they offer 0.1 pips on eur/usd - api 24/7 - fdic insured - futures commission registered. If they have at least one of this things I might consider a NEW forex brokerage out of 150 existing. Good luck
  11. K

    Stock and other asset class picks

    i am not sure...isn't the banking sector currently kind of...sluggish? I guess i see your point that in the very long run it will see some lloyds seem retty stable institution...but even then. Agai, can't say - i am not much into fundamental analysis though i believe it has...
  12. K

    Is creating professional investment software a good business idea?

    So...i am a software developer and thinking on some catching software idea that will sell well. I am considering to create a software that can for instance: Calculate SABR volatility, calculate black-scholes, calculate fx options kholagen model, predict prices based on neural networks, calculate...
  13. K

    Newbie needs help with covered call

    it usually expires a few days after the expiry month mentioned. If you have bought your shares at say $135...then a classic CC will be to simply sell one call option contract at $135...note that this is not like in trading DON'T wait for the price to click say $135...there are...
  14. K

    Is creating an offshore bank/financial institution a good business idea?

    So...I happen to have some amount of capital to invest and thinking if creating a small bank offshore has some future in it. The competition isn't that fierce, you will find less than 10 companies online that offer incorporating services and most of them are just brokers/middlemen and not actual...