Recent content by JSMITH07611

  1. J

    Best Thread FXCM Discussion

    Bye bye fxcm BYE BYE FXCM see here and here
  2. J

    Spread betting at FXCM

    Bye bye fxcm BYE BYE FXCM see here and here
  3. J

    differing capital gains 15/16 to 16/17 gaining the 8%

    hi everyone and thank you for the forum my question is that if i have a cgt in 15/16 but want to differ to 16/17 as the rates are lower and i also get another 11k. one idea that was suggested to me on another post was to invest in an eis. so questions below. 1. is there a time limit to holding...
  4. J

    List of Spreadbetting Companies: White Labels and Promotions

    any new promotions Just to revive this thread. does anyone know of any promotions at the moment. Preferably promotions that put the odds in the traders favour. regards
  5. J

    Full List Of Spreadbetting Companies -- please help increase the list

    ok it seems here is another one to add to the list which seems to be a white label of seems that are also white label but don't yet...
  6. J

    Brexit odds at bookies vs polls vs trade

    well look at the main page at ig and Leave ahead in the latest IG/Survation poll I don't know how they could write such rubbish when their own odds in the binary section are 64% chance of remaining
  7. J

    UK Budget 2016, Shift capital gains tax to next year

    the budget yesterday and it seems that capital gains are going to 10% and 20% instead of the current 18 and 28. I havn't studied the budget thoroughly but it seems that these are the rates besides for selling property. therefore if one has profits this year it would be worthwhile to try and...
  8. J

    Full List Of Spreadbetting Companies -- please help increase the list

    here is a new one capital index reards
  9. J

    CMC IPO 10% free shares offer

    just seen this where cmc will give its clients the oppertunity for 10% free shares (actually 9% as its one free for every 10 so its 1 out of 11) does this sound appealing...
  10. J

    Full List Of Spreadbetting Companies -- please help increase the list

    that would be a good idea but i am not sure how to do that also often when you start with that the companies themselves often put in fake reviews and pretend as if they are customers. i am not sure if i can even edit my first post to update it so that all the spread bet companies are in one list
  11. J

    Interviews Member Profile: chronictrader

    my point of view here is my question. Why would or should i bother trying to spend hours learning the markets and finding a way to that suits my style. It is extrememly time consuming and emotionally straining. whats better is if you have a good winning strategy, then i should just copy trade...
  12. J

    Futures Get into Low Cost Futures Trading with Synthetics

    jason you seem to have forgotten one major point which makes this article useless so in your first example if you sell a put (firstly there will be a spread so the price to buy a put is not the same amount as selling the put but even without that) whenever you sell an option you have to...
  13. J

    Full List Of Spreadbetting Companies -- please help increase the list

    thinkforex has just joined spreadbetting regards
  14. J

    Plus500 lost £6000 -

    actually plus500 do pay out. i know they have had fca investigation for not verifying clients properly and their support is not to good, but i have still been paid out from them and have had myself verified within around 3 weeks from the debacle starting. overall i have made losses with them...
  15. J

    Full List Of Spreadbetting Companies -- please help increase the list

    oanda starts spreadbetting leverage 100x