Recent content by JSB1

  1. J

    Are you looking for a trading office in London ?

    HI do you still have a space available in the office? thanks
  2. J

    Looking for Desk/Office in London

    Hi. Am looking for a desk within an office in London, from which to trade. Am an experienced trader, looking to move out of home office. Am happy to set something up or share an office. Would prefer central/west/sw london (not City). Please let me know if interested.
  3. J

    Looking to rent a desk in mayfair/green park/central

    Hi guys. Am looking for a desk/office also. There is an office available in Hanover sq Mayfair, would fit four people. The office is also next to a current office with four guys trading, so would be good mix. Let me know if you are serious and we could take a look.
  4. J

    W1 £250/month

    why hmmm?
  5. J

    DAX spike

    fair enough - thanks for the info
  6. J

    DAX spike

    anyone trading the dax - was trading at 5885 at 4.20pm and then just jumps to 5900 and then back down to 5885 in about 3 seconds. I happened to have a stop at 5900 reasonable size......any thoughts???
  7. J

    Surrey Arcade?

    Hi. Am an experienced trader and have just moved to Surrey from London. Does anyone know of an arcade or even group of traders trading together in Surrey. Am looking to trade my own funds but want to get out of the house and benefit from a little social interaction during market house. thanks. JSB
  8. J

    Surrey Arcade

    HI. Am an experienced trader and have just moved to Surrey from London. Does anyone know of an arcade or even group of traders trading together in Surrey. Am looking to trade my own funds but want to get out of the house and benefit from a little social interaction during market house. thanks. JSB
  9. J

    FTSE price-spike by GFT this AM

    thanks for that Chezlaw - really appeciate the help. As gle101 points out, their price is not relted to the futures so I basically have no leg to stand on. They can move their quote wherever they lie. They did tell me they saw big buyers which led them to skew their price - wonder how easy it...
  10. J

    Stop-loss spike??

    bet you work for gft
  11. J

    Stop-loss spike??

    Hi Guys. I was short the FTSE this am and was stopped out by GFT at a price of 5048.2 at 7.02am. They have an out of hours spread of 6 points, so they are telling me their high of the morning was 5042.2. At 7.02 all of the other spreadbetting firms prices remained at about 5036. Hence I think...
  12. J

    FTSE price-spike by GFT this AM

    I appreciate what you are saying, but I am not really blaming the platform. I am blaming the 'dealers' at these spreadbetting firms. I short the index las night at 5010. I get stopped out at 7.02am at 5048.2 when the highest price at all other spreadbetting firms is 5038. They can cearly just...
  13. J

    FTSE price-spike by GFT this AM

    Hi Guys. I was short the FTSE this am and was stopped out by GFT at a price of 5048.2 at 7.02am. They have an out of hours spread of 6 points, so they are telling me their high of the morning was 5042.2. At 7.02 all of the other spreadbetting firms prices remained at about 5036. Hence I think...
  14. J

    ODL Markets

    I opened an ODL account a couple of weeks ago and have been using the platform to trade professionally. The platform is great - clean and simple and works a treat. Have had NO technical issues. There are no self imposed stops in place but bear in mind it is there policy to close out positions if...
  15. J

    Cantor Spreadfair CLosed DOwn

    Well it was under invested and the platform was terrible. No loss. They are just saving themselves throwing good money at a losing proposition.