Recent content by jojo

  1. J

    Traders' meet up in London

    sorry ...... can't make it 20/05
  2. J

    Traders' meet up in London

    06 May would be slightly better !
  3. J

    Traders' meet up in London

    Yes ............. I would be very interested in attending . Regards, jojo
  4. J

    Dow Elevator Trading System

    Am interested in 5 tic......are you still finding it good ?
  5. J

    Best site which allows Dow Jones spreads?

    Have got onto their demo ..... however I can't understand why they don't offer the same spread on the Wall St. Daily Future.
  6. J

    Best site which allows Dow Jones spreads?

    Great........will try out their demo account to get used to the platform . Thank you again. Al
  7. J

    Best site which allows Dow Jones spreads?

    Gle101...... Thank you very much for that ..Have contacted them and will try them out . Do you know whether you can give an entry price with a targer and a stop loss at the same time i.e on an entry "if achieved " basis ?
  8. J

    Best site which allows Dow Jones spreads?

    Are you sure ? .......I also want to start spreadbetting on the Dow but the Dealingdesk site quotes 4 points for normal hours and 6 points for out of hours on the Wall Street Rolling Cash daily . Worldspreads are doing a 2 point spread (in hours) but the platform isn't the greatest .
  9. J

    Can scalping make you rich?

    I am trying to scalp the Dow for between 10 and 17 points . can you recommend a good spreadbetter ?
  10. J

    Can scalping make you rich?

    I want to trade the mini dow intraday for about 10 points or so .......can you recommend a spread better with really tight spreads ?
  11. J

    The Dow - May 23-27 2005

    Hi roguetrader, I take your point that a move to this quarters lows may not be a crash.......but I still regard the move down from even where we are, to this quarters lows as quite significant . I basically use fixed support /resistance lines for different markets and...
  12. J

    The Dow - May 23-27 2005

    My analysis on a short to medium term basis indicates a final push upto at least 10665 on the June contract quite soon ,which should put in a relative high turning point, followed by an ALMIGHTY crash . ( Of course , now that I've written about it , it 'll not pan out . ) But certainly expect to...
  13. J

    The Market Matrix

    Robster...........are you saying that by using MM , there will be a discernable, definitive low early next week without any shadow of doubt...........
  14. J

    FTSE 100 Intraday - November

    US futures charts(Dow,Nasdaq 100 and S+P ) only moving sideways over the past few days........breakout of which,would be FTSE'S ultimate medium term trend.
  15. J

    FTSE 100 Intraday - November

    Bonsai, I have minor resistance @33 and more significant resistance @40 on Dec. FTSE