Recent content by JEDI

  1. J

    What happens when an Exchange goes down?

    I agree Arbitrageur it was a pure gamble however when I spoke to the guy at IB he did not offer me any other option but simply to wait until the exchange opened. As luck would have it the Gods were on my side yesterday because as you rightly pointed out the trade could have just as easily gone...
  2. J

    What happens when an Exchange goes down?

    I had first hand experience yesterday when I was long on the YM & the exchange went down, never having been in this position before I rung IB and asked if the market would re open at the same price & the guy on the end of phone rightly said " The world does not stand still because exchange has...
  3. J

    The 'Edge'

    Yes I would like to agree with Paddington an edge is simply a higher probability of one thing happening over another it is that simple and this intellectual discussion of what amounts to an edge is part of the problem. I trade with the trend so I have an edge if the market is up I buy and vice...
  4. J

    38 steps to becoming a trader

    Excellent post above by bigwave a real gem
  5. J

    Best Thread Interactive Brokers

    TRADER1111 I have been using IB for over 6 months & have experienced no such problems although I would suggest if there is a problem getting a fill you dont mess around logging out and then in but get on the phone and close the trade out immediately. It can take around 10 minutes to log back in...
  6. J

    Ideas for 2 simple intraday strategies, feedback & ideas appreciated

    Hi Jtrader Why bother with indicators in the first place you will really be one step ahead of the game if you just concentrate on price action that is if you are daytrading as you propose to. You dont live far from me (30 min) maybe one day I will come and watch you trade and you can come and...
  7. J

    1000 points per month 95% accuracy

    Hi Martin No one is mocking you here but there are really no shortcuts the market demands an education from you and you just have to pay the fees just like anyone else and the sooner you accept this the sooner you will be on your way. If you only lose £5000 as you stated above then quite...
  8. J

    Has anyone been succesful with trading???

    Good points commanderco you hit the nail right on the head this game is won and lost in the mind and it takes a whole new way of thinking which is contrary to everything you are used to. Why do you think my username is JEDI
  9. J

    The truth about trading arcades

    Jtrader I note you live up north like me so does that mean you would move down south then in order to trade from an arcade? The reason why I ask because I dont think there is much opportunity to get into a arcade around our parts not that it bothers me trading from home, I have been doing it...
  10. J

    Intraday trading from home - the challenges and rewards

    Trading from home is a solitary environment and sometimes I ask myself if in fact it is healthy but I feel as long as one finds a balance throughout the day then it can be most enjoyable. I trade the dow futures so my working day does not begin till 2.30pm, in the morning I go for a run or go to...
  11. J


    Adrian could you please confirm what Jonny T has said 1. Are you only licenced to give advice and NOT hold monies & therefore if someone opens account with you there money is actually held by
  12. J

    why SpreadBet??? its not professional

    Spreadbetting has its place it is a cheap way for someone to learn to play the game, I used them for 4 years but I would not use them now as I daytrade so I need not explain that any further, however there is another reason why I would not use them I noticed when I was losing money my trades...
  13. J

    Best Thread Capital Spreads

    Hi this is a qestion for the guy from Capital spreads Simon I think. I have been trading with another sb firm for 4 years I now trade full time and make between 70 and 100 points trading the DOW a week, do you want people like me ?, lets be brutally honest or do you want those that fail because...
  14. J

    Tightest FTSE spread? (1-pt)

    Could anyone please tell me if they are using or there uk counterpart twowayfutures and how long they have being using them and what the service is like because im thinking about opening an account with them but want to be sure they are reputable, at present I have being using...
  15. J

    Best Thread Quick reference for real trading profit. Tips that work

    Before one can master the markets one must learn to master oneself