Recent content by InterMarketAnalysis

  1. I

    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    I will leave you my FTSE 100 video Analysis Make up your own mind if I have the relevant qualifications or not ?
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    Its pointless posting on here chaps ...We have one troll that has ruined it for everyone. Like I said before I would continue provided we had some order and mutual respect. He cant accept the fact that I nailed the top and bottom today in the markets in real time with time stamped entry/exit...
  3. I

    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    FTSE 100 - BOE dovish, poor earnings from British American Tobacco and Glaxosmithkline
  4. I

    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    I will be doing a youtube video later tonight explaining my thought process and outlook BOE was very Dovish and we have reached the neckline of IHS on DOW = support ALl bearish news now factored into FTSE @ 6350 from higher CPI and Canadian terrorism
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    FTSE shorts closed +45 calling it a night into support now +90 points is good enough for the day
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    An example of intermarket analysis folks FTSE = DOW so if dow breaks the IHS neckline here based on terrorism fears emanating from Canada = FTSE lower and vice versa
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    Lets take time out to pray for eveyones safety in Canada .... InterMarketAnalysis @trader_Aadil lets pray for everyones safety RT @PzFeed: BREAKING NEWS: Ottawa police now confirm one suspect has been killed. 2 suspects remain at large.
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    FTSE shorts currently +40 and counting Lets see if we can get a flush going into the US close
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    FTSE 350 - Break out here or fake out ? Dow confirms FTSE resistance given 200 MA + 61% Fib resistance
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    FTSE 250 - previous support = resistance
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    FTSE 100 volatility index coming into support = reversal in equities coming
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    Fundamentals Risk off due to geo political fears at present + higher CPI = tapering fears Shooting locks down Canadian parliament; one suspect reported dead
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    Gap fill resistance @ 6395 region held perfectly :thumbsup: shorts now +25 and counting
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    I would like to take time out and apologize on behalf of any rude members posting on my thread. Unfortunately i can't control spam on my thread by trolls who have nothing better to do than focus on ruining a good thread that provides insight and info on the FTSE 100....This has become the most...
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    Inter-market analysis on FTSE 100

    now FTSE shorts +20 amended shorts to b/e and reducing all risk from trade