Recent content by insight2

  1. insight2

    Noxa indicators for Neuroshell

    are there any "waves" in the tick data?
  2. insight2

    Noxa indicators for Neuroshell

    Often enough one can meet people who sit in pubs and discuss life, love, politics, football etc. etc. Simply, human mind needs jogging, same as human feet do. Those subjects are very convenient for pub waffle because one can kill lots of time without ever getting in a danger of making a...
  3. insight2

    Java Beans control with Price Bars

    oh, thanks for the clarification, the examples on their web page only show line connecting Close price. Can you please tell me, weather they have the standard plain OHLC bars, instead of the candlesticks. Candle sticks, kind off, distract me.
  4. insight2

    Java Beans control with Price Bars

    Thanks dcraig1. It is so pathetic that all this young guys are killing a 6 months or a whole year to write the APIs for scientific charting and that has been covered ten times over. But not a single one had a brainwave to write a simple Financial charts suite. And financial clients pay 10x more...
  5. insight2

    Java Beans control with Price Bars

    Has anybody seen a Java Beans ready made control that can display financial price / volume data in a bar chart format? cheers, dejan
  6. insight2

    Metatrader bucket shops

    so basically, broker can use MT4 either in DD or SDT mode and us trades can only find out which mode MT4 is in after opening the account and placing 10-20 trades? Is there a way to find out in which mode an FX broker is using MT4, without opening the account and trading live?
  7. insight2

    S T P Brokers equal to ECNS for retail traders

    This attached thumbnail, what is the software depicted by the image? Is that MT4 user interface? Can you please explain what Expert Advisers are? I can see a button for Expert Advisers on this attached thumbnail, but is that a person or some software feature?
  8. insight2

    S T P Brokers equal to ECNS for retail traders

    One thing I do not understand is, we are warned of market fixing by MetaTrader 4 (MT4) but ODL Securities offer just that MT4! How can we tell which brokers use MT4 in a fair as opposed to unfair way?
  9. insight2

    Metatrader bucket shops

    I am doing some broker research and I found this possibly useful list of FX brokers that are using dealing desks (human or software) v. truly honest ECN brokers: Forex Factory - View Single Post - Bucket Shops in Forex I would like to say that any broker offering MetaTrader free software...
  10. insight2

    Metatrader bucket shops

    I would like to express my utmost respect for oildaytrader and him taking the stand against the broker. He really did a good service to this forum and its members, by stepping forward and trying to protect our collective interest. We are truly talking about David and Goliath relationship here...
  11. insight2

    At which FX broker I can short Croatian Kuna?

    Hi All, Do you know of FX broker that is does Croatian Kuna? I looked everywhere, and nobady does it. regards, dejan
  12. insight2

    NeuroShell Trader v5.4 for sale

    Best Christmas present trader can buy to himself. NeruoShell Day Trader Professional v5.4 for sale. This is an original installation and full license transfer will be arranged with Ward Systems for the new owner. Transfer of license will enable you to get free upgrades, member's only software...
  13. insight2

    Making $150,000/ month trading US stocks.

    IMHO I've done lots of research on Level II trading anything. This is, at least my conclusion. Yes, there was a fantastic time for Level II tape readers during NASDAQ Internet boom, when everything was high and volatility was enormous by today's standards. Lots of guys who were quick, made...
  14. insight2

    A Dissertation based on the FX Market

    imho LTCM failed more because of bad money management, than from bad theory. If they didn't overexpose themselves they would had survived.
  15. insight2

    Just crushed my account - almost - what now?

    its pity, market is at its best for intraday trading, with this huge volatility.