
Day Trading
United States
Trading Experience
3-5 Years
Trading Work Status
Preferred Trading Style
  1. Scalper
  2. Day Trader
Preferred Trading Methodology
  1. Candlesticks
  2. Divergence
  3. Market Profile
  4. Momentum
  5. Price Action
  6. Tape Reading
  7. Technical Analysis
  8. Volume
Preferred Market Regions
  1. US
  2. UK
Preferred Markets
  1. Currencies
  2. Indices
  3. Energies
  4. Interest Rates
Preferred Trading Instruments
  1. Spot Forex
  2. Futures
Preferred Forex Currencies
  1. USD
  2. GBP
  3. EUR
  4. JPY
  5. AUD
Preferred Trading Software (A-O)
  1. MetaTrader
  2. Ninjatrader
Preferred Trading Software (P-Z)
  1. TradeStation
  2. Trading Technologies
Preferred Direct Access Brokers
  1. Interactive Brokers
  2. Open E Cry
  3. TradeStation Securities
  4. VelocityFutures
Preferred Stockbrokers
  1. Interactive Brokers
Preferred Forex Brokers
  1. MB Trading
Preferred Futures Brokers
  1. Infinity
  2. Interactive Brokers
  3. TransAct Futures
Preferred EOD Data Providers
  1. DTN.IQ
  2. Metatrader
  3. TradeStation
Preferred Realtime Data Providers
  1. DTN.IQ
  2. Oanda
  3. TradeStation
  4. Zen-Fire
Favorite Trading Books
Trading in the Zone - Mark Douglas
141 West Jackson - J. Peter Steidlmayer
Favorite Trading Magazines
  1. Active Trader
  2. Currency Trader
Favorite Trading Tip
"Keep your losses small and let your winners run." and "order flow always precedes price".


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