Recent content by hoodoo man

  1. H

    How to gauge short term reward

    No, that is not correct. The timeframe which is relevant to what is happening in the market changes on an ongoing basis. The one which is most relevant to your exit is that timeframe which will reverse the market so you give back your gains. You are looking to exit at the top of the upswing. The...
  2. H

    How do big players trade?

    I see you don't post here very often. I remember your last comment that I was a few years too late for some of the more interesting discussions. Your comment isn't saying much. What do you mean by "patterns". Most would think visual patterns on a chart, but clearly this has nothing to do with...
  3. H

    Forex trading live calls and set ups

    You've just missed that I told you your high was a reversal signal. I shorted into the test of the lows (screenshot as proof of entry) and you held onto a trade and got stopped out for BE. That is because you didn't know that the market would make a double bottom of the old low, whereas to me...
  4. H

    T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

    Atilla, I'm still waiting for your comment on how I called a low, followed by a 75 point upswing to the high of day, which is still the high of day, with a net gain of over 170 points. Each of my posts is unaltered and in real time here. I've also inadvertently showed equally good results with...
  5. H

    Forex trading live calls and set ups

    That is a very good exit, but instead of taking half off you reverse there into the downswing. e.g.
  6. H

    Forex trading live calls and set ups

    I explained my methodology. For each day, you need to know if the main swing is up or down. Then you need to know if the main swing is proceeded by an opposite swing of a smaller magnitude than the main swing. Today, I expected an upswing of 75 points. I called this. An opposite swing took over...
  7. H

    Forex trading live calls and set ups

    I can't move / quote the posts due to the timestamps requiring to remain intact. I've just called 170 points on the Eur/Usd in 24 hours, over in the T2W forex competition thread - week six. That blows all other public results here out of the water in terms of points per contract per day. Is...
  8. H

    T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

    The Hare - how stunningly apropos! Entertainment, not personal development and professional success, appears to be the objective of this website. Even the global moderator is basically saying "*** off, you aren't needed here".
  9. H

    T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

    Read all of my posts on this thread. In 24 hours I have called every major swing in the Eur/Usd for a net of over 170 points. That it has escaped everyone here is really quite astonishing.
  10. H

    T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

    Really? People have been banned in the past for letting cats out of bags? Is this some sort of unwritten rule. Are you warned not to let the cat out or do you just get banned? I think it is interesting that none of the site moderators / owner have come out to say whether they see any...
  11. H

    T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

    Anyone notice how the end of the 75 point swing at 15.34 was the beginning of a new downswing, which is now 40 points lower? That is not a coincidence is it? Buy the upswings and sell the downswings sequentially.
  12. H

    T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

    This isn't very encouraging. I'd rather not presume that your comment was intended to be sarcasm or insult, but it is difficult to see any other interpretation. This is supposed to be a trading site. I post some correct forex calls on a forex thread using price and time logic. ~170 points in...
  13. H

    T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

    I do not understand your comment. Can you please explain?
  14. H

    Risk Reward Myth

    Looking forward to your update. What has happened to your trading? EK1 has just posted an update and it shows your account in loss, again! (just tongue and cheek you understand :cheesy:) Since everyone has been asking me to put up or shut up I have shared three consecutive trades in real time...
  15. H

    T2W Forex Contest - Week 6

    Here is a template for a successful trading system. Each day, you need to know whether the main leg is up or down. You also need to know whether the main leg will be proceeded by an opposite leg of smaller size than the main leg. It is also beneficial to know where your quickest leg of e.g. 70...