
I have been studying financial markets for seven years, and have been actively trading for the last two years. I was traveling extensively and was limited to receiving market info only on my smartphone. But I thought that if Jesse Livermore can do it long distance so could I. I would record each days H>L>C and draw a map each day. I decided that musical chords dominated the markets and I colored each day a certain color and name according to its position on a notefield, then I would place trades acccordingly.
I started with $4500 and it grew to $15,000 in less than two months. Then the market crashed and I quickly lost my profit and was reduced back to my principle.
I then realized that I knew nothing about trading and I have been spending each day many hours studying for this past year.
I now know that my musical chords were fractal sets. I am daily paper trading and will soon reenter the markets to make great trades.

Real Name
Rebecca Blaisdell
United States
Trading Experience
More than 5 Years
Trading Work Status
Full-Time (Home/Office)
Trading Arcade/Prop Firm
Preferred Trading Style
  1. Swing Trader
Preferred Trading Methodology
  1. Technical Analysis
Preferred Market Regions
  1. US
Preferred Markets
  1. Currencies
Preferred Trading Instruments
  1. Options
Preferred Forex Currencies
  1. GBP
Preferred Direct Access Brokers
  1. Think Or Swim
Preferred Futures Brokers
  1. Think Or Swim
Preferred Options Brokers
  1. Think Or Swim
Preferred Realtime Data Providers
  1. Think Or Swim
Favorite Trading Magazines
  1. Stocks & Commodities
Favorite Trading Tip
I was an oak, now I'm a willow but I can bend.




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