
I have been studying the Forex market now for around a year now. I now only look at Price Action Trading as too many indicators were confusing to me and looked too messy for my minimalist life style.

Learning new things
Real Name
Dom Goddard
Business Studies student
United Kingdom
Trading Experience
1-2 Years
Trading Work Status
Preferred Trading Style
  1. Day Trader
  2. Swing Trader
  3. Position Trader
Preferred Trading Methodology
  1. Break Outs
  2. Candlesticks
  3. Chart Patterns
  4. Price Action
Preferred Market Regions
  1. US
  2. UK
  3. Europe
Preferred Markets
  1. Currencies
Preferred Trading Instruments
  1. Paper Trading
Preferred Forex Currencies
  1. USD
  2. GBP
  3. EUR
  4. CHF
  5. JPY
Preferred Trading Software (A-O)
  1. MetaTrader
Favorite Trading Books
Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas
Favorite Trading Tip
Follow the rules and stay disciplined


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