Recent content by FXLord

  1. FXLord

    Psychology Inside the Successful Trader

    Thank you, I appreciate your comments. Make sure you visit my page, there's a lot of articles written differently and targeting real traders
  2. FXLord

    Psychology Inside the Successful Trader

    The Idea is the attitude you have to be at to success, the right mind set. I think Forex trading might be the only profession that you have to "visualize the goal" literally in order to make money and succeed in trading Forex
  3. FXLord

    Best Thread How To Make Money Trading The Markets.

    “The broker said the stock was "poised to move." Silly me, I thought he meant up.” ― Randy Thurman
  4. FXLord

    reminiscence of(yet) a (novice)trader

    thanks to your advices =) im sure they r very usefull for newbies, how long have u being trading?
  5. FXLord

    Do we need indicators?

    Great answer:thumbsup:
  6. FXLord

    Dealing with losing periods

    I trade for many years and have a big expirience in it and i can say, i never stop analyse and improve my strategies..
  7. FXLord

    Just HOW do you make money in the markets?

    “Selling something only to steal it back to sell again is not only dishonest, but highly profitable.” ― Jarod Kintz
  8. FXLord

    I am not rich ! do I have a place in trading?

    Never was anything great achieved without danger and Fortune sides with him who dares !
  9. FXLord

    Is anyone making money from forex trading?

    Nothing ever becomes real 'til it is experienced
  10. FXLord

    I am not rich ! do I have a place in trading?

    If you are a beginner in Forex trading, your account risk should be as small as possible. The main reason for smaller accounts for beginners is not that they cant trade and shouldn’t risk money in Forex trading, but this is because beginners do not have enough statistics on their system or...
  11. FXLord

    Is anyone making money from forex trading?

    If u keep loosing money, the best way is to overview your strategy again and each time deeply analize your mistakes. Another thing is take advices from profesionals or even take some online course about trading on some websites. good luck
  12. FXLord

    Are binary options a smart investment?

    Lately it has been criticized as nothing more than gambling, pure and simple, yet the buzz around it is getting louder and the promise of easy money is attracting the attention of people from all walks of life..but maybe it is too risky
  13. FXLord

    Martin Kay Technical Analysis

    Hey, Martin, well done! Thanks and Good luck!
  14. FXLord

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    Its called the relative strength index, Its a great indicator actually and i use it and talk about it in the signals we offer. As it sounds, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) casts the ratio of the instrument’s strength compared to other periods, which is usually a value between $ 30 and 70. It...
  15. FXLord

    Sticky Introduce Yourself

    such nice posts, look like professional and helpful people around here!