Recent content by Dr Iraj

  1. D


    Last night there was a profit warning by 4 SEMI CONDUCTOR companies in US.Funny enough All stocks closed up on the day. This is the second day ino the rally. Have we hit the bottom or is this another trap? There is still a wave of bearish commnets around Tech stocks however few analysts seem to...
  2. D

    3*13=39 trading strategy

    Found this in my database. I have no idea where I have got it from. A Simple Moving Average Trading System 3x13X39 = Profit I want to address a question commonly asked by those who are computer phobic, techno confused and Internet allergic, "What is a good simple system to follow, to get in...
  3. D

    Bear market

    I received an email yesterday from a friend about bear trading tactics. I said My dear friend what tactic better than getting a dart and throwing it at a tech stock (semi conductors preferably) and just go short. After today's Nokia profit warning and sharp fall of LOGICA after fantastic results...
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    Basic ideas are sometimes the best

    Excellent post An excellent post sefty. Glad to see you happy with TA. Just a note.
  5. D

    Trading Strategies FAO PIGSY

    Pigsy has asked me to give a structure for our STRATEGIES section. I suggest our strategy section to function as follow 1) Day trading strategies (intra-day strategies) . TA strategies as well as Execution Strategies. It is extremely important to correctly execute a trade (specially on US...
  6. D


    Hi spock I am currently very busy. I will give an out line of advantages of Neural based software soon. Deep insight is the most basic NeuralNetwrok software and is dead easy to work with. You can Down load a copy of it from the net and use any data vendor to import UK data into Deep insight...
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    I will be available soon to suggest a structure for the strategies section. Keep up the excellent excellent excellent work. THIS SITE IS A CREDIT to you and the team.
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    I will not be available for a while.

    I won't be available to contribute for the next 2 weeks. I have not fallen out with the BB. In fact I love the BB. I am looking forward to Pigsy's Trading strategies data base where I can contribute quite a lot. Keep posting and keep trading. See you all soon
  9. D


    Unique contribution A unique contribution, traderXXX. I am glad the idea is gaining momentum.
  10. D

    For Charty

    Good POINT I think it would we unfair to technical analysis as a subject to put it under such a random and uncertain circumstances and expect result. Mathematically as the uncertainty increases the stocks behave in more random than deterministic events and No kind of analysis becomes valid. I...
  11. D


    Have a look at this site
  12. D


    There is an error in the post (need opinion from Dr iraj re AIQ v OT) . Sukh was the topic starter and I replied. In the post it says delboy was the topic starter and rakhtar replied to the AIQ V OT.
  13. D


    oops The question was:- Should we trust an EDS routine or any other strategy which returned a good result in the last 4 weeks to give us similar result for the next 4 weeks?
  14. D

    can't read the second page

    strange My post has disappeared now. I just clicked on go to first unread post and saw your reply. No Pigsy I dont get any error message. The NO 2 page is not highlighted.
  15. D

    Sold REDROW to buy SANCTUARY

    Just sold REDROW to buy SANCTUARY. I have checked the in and out of SANCTUARY and happy with the fundamentals, however not so sure on the short term gain. Technicaly the stock has been within an approximate horizontal trend for a while now with a massive spike on Monday. Any further news around...