Recent content by doodboy

  1. doodboy

    Uses of Demo Accounts in Forex Trade

    good job guys, that's the spirit. Only foolish guys jump to live trading before testing waters for sometime on Demo. Indian(SmartGeek) n Pakistani(progix) agreeing on something, how often do we see Indians n PK's agree? haha let that be a sign all you demo traders, continue..
  2. doodboy

    Gold and Forex -- Trading GROUP CHAT -- JOIN FREE

    makes sense, with rise of USD, Gold Crashes but this should reverse as FED disappoints on sept FOMC. No hike this year. Data will only get worse from here.
  3. doodboy

    NFP and FX Moves

    :rolleyes: ahh Sure Fx Market is too large and not always EASY for one firm to move price in their direction. How-ever, do realize, when lions hunt they hunt in packs so they -collaborate-manipulate the market. This has become more evident in Gold/Oil market. If you are thinking FX is conducted...
  4. doodboy

    Live audio market squawk. who's the best?

    Ransquawk have lost their touch recent years. There is less commentary now and often times technical difficulties right at critical period (london open) as alternative i use free and fairly ok service, an alternative to ransquawk.
  5. doodboy

    NFP and FX Moves

    Tom, when i say stop hunt newbies, i mean the new folks in FX who are taught conventional text book stuff ie: risk only 2% per trade, place your stop 10 pips behind last swing (no they(big banks/HFs) will push it to 50-60 pips deliberately because they know exactly where conventional traders...
  6. doodboy

    Gold and Forex -- Trading GROUP CHAT -- JOIN FREE

    yea, im not promoting stocks room or them just saying that "communication platform" is much better than some hidden app u gotta carry in your hand and actually type on the touch tech vs. keyboard/mouse where it's much easier n convenient to drag/drop/share charts/files of all format etc...
  7. doodboy

    Gold and Forex -- Trading GROUP CHAT -- JOIN FREE

    if collaboration sharing ideas is the real motive i suggest looking into this web/ios chat app called where you can pretty much collab on so many levels share drag/drop/ any format file.. it's like a virtual chatroom i came across it recently and very impressive features...voice...
  8. doodboy

    Advantages of trading forex via a company?

    I am looking into the same thing. If u learn of any advantage/disadvantages trading as a inc. or llc. please do share.. thx
  9. doodboy

    Gold and Forex -- Trading GROUP CHAT -- JOIN FREE

    how many active users are in a single groupchat?
  10. doodboy

    Forex Advice

    starting place is always edu section. than move to youtube look for "yourtradingcoach" channel n then lookup price action trading/trendlines/channels and you are heading in right direction... Demo trade a couple months till you can consistently make pips for 5-6 months.
  11. doodboy

    NFP and FX Moves

    market reversed on NFP. A guy i know was trying to buy this "cool" news signal giver product for 1K or so.. i told him even if he knows the NEWS results ahead, he'd still lose because market does the opposite of expected first few hours to stop hunt retailer newbs.. and correct moves come at...
  12. doodboy

    Your thoughts on EMA 5, EMA 10 crossover as an entry trigger

    Totally newbie strategy will hurt your account. Most curves u see on your charts are adjusted as time goes by. So by time market settles it appears crosses worked..dont be fooled by hind-sight.
  13. doodboy

    Uses of Demo Accounts in Forex Trade

    good point. I agree the psychology is missing when your trading play money vs. real money but never the less you develope a skill-set. Many people i know end up joining live too soon and lose a big chunk then fall into cycle of revenge trading and digging deeper hole for self... So keep a demo...
  14. doodboy

    Binary Options Forex / Fixed-odd-betting

    Hi, guys i been a spot forex trader for 5 yrs my technical analysis is STRONG and i can predict the market for short term quite nicely. ie: i can predict swings on 5min and 15min time frame. Therefore, i am looking to dive into Binary Options first thing unless anyone convinces me otherwise...
  15. doodboy

    FX Options and Binaries

    hey i discovered binary options and i see potential in it. I just need to know reliable Fixed-odd-betting brokers for Forex.. with flexible expiries (ie: 5 min 10 min to 1Hr ) i dont like long time expiries. i heard lot of negatives on so im seeking alternative but similar to...