
Successful investor in the past. Since 1999 have believed that property was the only low to medium risk that had any hope of success in the UK. My wife has disproved this! She has Out performed me, to what extent I am not sure! But my advice to her in 2000 was to sell her entire Share portfolio (FTSE100 at 6800 it fell to 3850) so she started off with a loss! With the capital raises I advised buying 4 semi ready to let houses within 10 miles of our home. As she enjoyed watching the markets I suggested a £10,000 share portfolio for fun. The rental incomes at the time gave a yield of between 12 and 15%. I advised selling in June 2007 at what I thought was near enough the peak of the market to allow sales to complete before the crunch which I had predicted 18 months before. The cash raised would hasve been 1.2 to 1.5 million sterling from a pore crash start of £380,000. You may think I have done well but she has done better! My problem now is she has become addicted to spread betting. Won't talk about it. We could lose everythIng I do not think she understands the risks. Anyone been there? Anyone had experience of Barclays Stockbrokers giving unregulated advice and churning investment products?

Theatre, food, drink, F1
Jul 19, 1946 (Age: 77)
Real Name
Des Barron
United Kingdom
Trading Style
Long Term
Trading Experience
More than 5 Years
Trading Work Status
Preferred Market Regions
  1. US


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