Recent content by Depth Trade

  1. Depth Trade

    Conspiracy Trader

    Flying over the Swiss alps Hello traders, good day. Positions have moved around, but overall account gain is about the same. Gbp/jpy and Gbp/usd have retracted some, while Usd against Chf and Eur have moved to our benefit. The huge move in our Usd/chf buy came after Swiss trade balance data...
  2. Depth Trade

    Conspiracy Trader

    F eds O penly M anipulating C hristmas Wow! Talk about a nice turn around. Positions are looking awesome and with only a few days left in the week, I don't expect trades to retract at all. Current positions are as follows Eur/usd up +0.93%, Gbp/jpy up +0.95%, Gbp/usd up +0.86% and Usd/chf...
  3. Depth Trade

    Conspiracy Trader

    ...from caviar to corn dogs.. So.. where are our positions today? Woke up today to the unpleasant surprise of our profit having dropped quite a bit. Gbp/jpy retracted some 300 pips from it's high water mark. Eur/usd about 80 pips, Gbp/usd about 125 pips and Usd/chf some 60 pips. Some of our...
  4. Depth Trade

    What are you listening to now?

  5. Depth Trade

    Conspiracy Trader

    Does the 'data matta' ? This week we are holding the following positions. Sold Eur/Usd, Gbp/Usd, Gbp/jpy and bought Usd/Chf. These positions have played out as expected and are showing the following gains respectively +0.13%, +0.47%, +0.99% and +1.11% . What has moved these positions we ask...
  6. Depth Trade

    when do you sell your house?

    ...about 5 years ago.
  7. Depth Trade

    stop loss. why????

    At some point, if you continue to trade long enough, you will understand what I am saying. What I said was to only give you a different angle to see trading from, it's nothing set in stone, just something to think about. An idea I think makes sense if you can disconnect yourself emotionally. I...
  8. Depth Trade

    stop loss. why????

    Does one need a StopLoss? Not necessarily. When you have money sitting in a bank account, you have zero StopLoss. Your account value is constantly changing, just look at the price that gasoline or any commodity changes. One can not control this. If one is trading on a short time frame, one is...
  9. Depth Trade

    Why do people trade in options and lose money ?

    Because they sell a Put or Call with out a stop. The market moves against them and the volatility is more than they anticipated. Equaling a greater move than if they had traded the actual product.
  10. Depth Trade

    A job as a Floor trader or trader with no experience

    Getting a job at a big name brokerage with no experience ? Shouldn't be a problem, they're not known for hiring people with any trading skill set what-so-ever. They hire Parrots, total chumps that could never make it on there own with a trade account.
  11. Depth Trade

    floor traders in the pit, floor traders on NASDAQ

    It's more fun than being by yourself or just a few other people sitting across the room from each other in an office. One can still trade via computer, but send an order into the pit if different prices are trading. You can still trade if the power goes out and you have two people that agree on...
  12. Depth Trade

    What would you buy and hold now?

    Buy Slv and Gld shares. The dollar will die this year.
  13. Depth Trade

    InTheMoneyStocks Market Analysis

    Re: The Real Reasons The Markets Flushed Today... Perfectly stated, Americans have zero faith in Obama. We are going to see a repeat of '08/09 crash.
  14. Depth Trade

    Is there a high rate of mental illness in the US?

    Motive? totally lost control because of pharmaceuticals, just like every other mass shooting. ..that along with a little mind control and WHAMO! you have yourself a false flag:eek: A little trauma, electric shock therapy, the right drugs and bing bam! Why do you think there were never any mass...
  15. Depth Trade


    I'd hit that