
Guest Author Bio:
DbPhoenix has been in the market since 1977 and has been daytrading the NQ since 1998. He is and has always been what is commonly referred to as a "small retail trader" and has never had any desire to be anything else, which may largely be why he is chiefly concerned with the challenges -- self-imposed and otherwise -- faced by beginners.

Member Bio:
Been in the markets since '77, been daytrading since '98.

The business about the book and about being a vendor comes up regularly, like last night's chili. Why the book? A participant in one of my forums put it succinctly:

"Eventually, everything that has to be said is said. The same questions are asked again and again, the same theories are explained again and again, the same or similar examples are provided again and again. Hundreds of threads with repeating subjects, the old threads having hundreds of pages with repeating questions, the result of which is that newcomers become easily confused and what is important becomes more difficult to find, even with Search. At some point, rather than add value, further postings just add mess."

And, so, the book. Topics addressed, questions answered, examples given. But only enough. Not endlessly. I hope that those who understand the need for assuming the responsibility for one's successes and failures will find it useful, will catch the ball and run with it. The spirits of those who came before will be there to cheer.
April 20
http://[email protected]
United States
Vendor (Optional)
Training literature vendor (e.g courses / spreadbetting guides / eBooks)
Trading Experience
More than 5 Years
Trading Work Status
Full-Time (Home/Office)
Preferred Trading Style
  1. Day Trader
  2. Position Trader
Preferred Trading Methodology
  1. Price Action
Preferred Market Regions
  1. US
Preferred Markets
  1. Indices
Preferred Trading Instruments
  1. Futures
Preferred Direct Access Brokers
  1. Interactive Brokers
Preferred Stockbrokers
  1. Interactive Brokers
Preferred Futures Brokers
  1. Interactive Brokers
Preferred Realtime Data Providers
  1. Interactive Brokers
Favorite Trading Books
The Nature of Risk
Trading in the Zone
General Semantics of Wall Street
How To Make Money In Stocks
Favorite Trading Tip
Eagerness to trade supplants deliberation.


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