Recent content by daytradingworks

  1. D

    What do you make on average per day?

    i day trade just the majors and target myself at 1k per week.
  2. D

    need your help on daily trading signal

    hi I have been trading short term for 20 years. it really does work. I have a system based on fund and tech analysis. i know it works as i dont have to work for anyone again and the people i use to work for are still using it on a massive volume basis. look at but dont use one of the million...
  3. D

    East Midlands Calling

    Hi would be interested in a get together. living near northampton. day trader for last 20 years in fx, derivatives etc. own trading system and trade around 10 times per day.
  4. D

    Was I robbed?

    be wary of saying the interbank chart, also remember the feeds used by alot of gamers for there trading platform and charting platforms may come from two different sources.
  5. D

    Which Forex Broker ?

    Saif this is not an uncommon problem when using online gamers, that is what the majority of online brokers are, yes even the ones that hide behind the FSA. (London or Denmark) Was your login secure, did anyone else have the login. Have they issued you with a new login. Did you contact Saxo as...
  6. D

    Which Forex Broker ?

    saxo are prob the best of the internet bunch if you are managing and having to sell your ideas to raise capital to trade. if i was starting out again i would use acm in geneva. chosen them for my private account. statements, back up and service are excellent. the platform is reliable. and...
  7. D

    Your favourite quote.

    the disclaimer on the bottom of my isa ''the value of your fund may fall as well as plummet''
  8. D

    day trading amounts.........

    can i just ask using internet broker contract sizes how many contracts per day would people trade off a 100,000 k account??? i trade on average 50 r/t per day
  9. D

    The exit of a trade: how? when? where?

    short term day trading. just how i do it. entry never trade off ,market orders stops or put limits into the market. especially when using internet brokers. never trade on your trigger price. always try a retracement. i normally enter over three positions. there are a few other things i look...
  10. D

    Dont Tell the Professionals

    give me 5 mins a day shoot...........dont know about 5 mins a day to pocket a bit of wonga but i once traded just as greenspan,,,,,oh yes my old mate greenspan,,,,made his lets get that daytradingworks chap in london. i traded and before i could put the phone on its rack i had dropped 250,000...
  11. D

    What exactly is Money Management in Trading?

    long, medium and short term. volatility i know of some of the worlds worst traders, normally working for banks, bigger houses, or brokers who earn a fortune. i know some brilliant traders working for smaller houses who earn less than back office staff at banks,,,,to do with order flow, backing...
  12. D

    Managing news risk within a trading system

    day trading hello everyone my first post although i have had been reading thru for a while. been day trading for long enough to say with confidence what not to do. until the boe employs me i guess i am not qualified to say what to do. this is just for day traders. real day traders. stop using...