Recent content by Brogden

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    Dean Saunders' Systems

    Hi simbob, You mean "trending" not "trading". And yes of course you are right that because it is a trend following system (identify a trend and then try to find a low risk entry point to climb on and ride it) by definition it won't work if the market is range bound, i.e. not trending. Saunders...
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    Dean Saunders' Systems

    Well I had a look at it and it seemed quite a simple go-with-the-trend-buy-on-an-inside-bar system so I can't see how you could spend much more than 10 minutes a day on it - what exactly are you doing? The thing I didn't like about it was that to trade daily bars you have to get up at midnight...
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    Concept FX

    Well the golf system was a waste of money, wish I had read this thread years ago. How did you establish that all of these things are/were from the same people - some guy called Lloyd was involved in the golf thing I seem to remember, and another techie bloke called Steve I think? I did read the...
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    Concept FX

    Down 585 and then up 392 - surely that's a net loss of 193 pips - unless you were trading the opposite way to their signals? Regards - Brogden
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    Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

    Hi AmateurTradersOnline, Any recommendations on educational sites then? Regards - Brogden
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    Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

    Hi AmateurTradersOnline, For the benefit of others reading this thread, would you list the systems you have been stung on and what were the problems with them? You might help stop somebody else making the same mistake. Thanks. Regards - Brogden
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    Guy Cohen - Illuminati Trading System

    Having read this thread it appears that everyone who has bought into the Flag Trader system thinks that it's a good system, and that Guy is a good fellow. And certainly his posts have been very promising. But what I am missing is a sense that anyone is actually making good money from this...
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    Concept FX

    Hi Sandy, Do you ever get worried that your robot might place an order without a stop loss, or that a crash of your remote host might leave you with an open position that the robot is no longer monitoring for you? And have you looked at a robot called Pips Leader? Looking forward to an update...
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    WHich stocks

    Well I can do 250 charts in an hour and I am getting better at spotting patterns, but out of the 250 there are usually very few with tradeable patterns, and spending an hour looking at 250 charts every day without finding a trade is a bit of a drag, which is why I am looking to find a more...
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    WHich stocks

    He isn't advising trades from these criteria, he uses the three criteria to identify stocks to analyse further; if a stock meets any one of the three criteria it goes on a shortlist for further analysis.
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    WHich stocks

    He uses ShareScope and lists three criteria to identify trend following shares based on the daily ADX, new 12 month highs or lows, and outperformance against the FTSE. But he doesn't recommend using software to scan the market: he says (page 151 in my copy) "The visual inspection approach is...
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    WHich stocks

    I think I have the same question as San but maybe I can express it in a different way: My preferred method of trading is what I understand is called Position Trading - I am prepared to hold a position for days or weeks. I am broadly following the methods described in Malcolm Pryor's Financial...
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    Myers Bruning Associates

    There was an article on Radio 4's MoneyBox today about boiler rooms and they mentioned an FSA list, so I did a bit of digging on the FSA web site and here is the link: Unauthorised overseas firms operating in the UK Surprise surprise! Our friends Myers Bruning are on the list. There are also...
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    Concept FX

    Hi SandyW, Looking forward to an update of how your robots are doing. Regards - David
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    Uk shares for a living

    Hi williadb, thanks for your reply. I agree with you about wasting precious time, but I don't understand your comment about relative strength between stocks, would you explain please, and what technicals would you use for entry and exit? I use ShareScope so I think I should be able to data mine...