Recent content by BP48072

  1. B

    MLDownloader now won't download quotes

    NinjaTrader Does save your work NinjaTrader does save work. They are called "Workspaces" and you can save them by hovering your cursor over the Workspace name and a menu will appear to your right which includes options such as Save, Save As, Close, Remove. I have an S&P 500 workspace saved...
  2. B

    MLDownloader now won't download quotes

    One answer - although it won't save your work - is to download NinjaTrader (free) and use its free EOD data. You can leave it and all charts open until you have to close it for a Windows update.
  3. B

    MLDownloader now won't download quotes

    Is anybody else experiencing the same problem and knows how to fix it? It says "Could not connect to the Internet! (time out)". Yet my internet connection does work, yet now I always get the above message. I heard previously that Yahoo changed something that caused my HQuote Pro to stop...
  4. B

    Excel/VBA Backtesting

    Hyunski, could you please provide a working file url to download from? I have tried all the links provided in this thread but they all indicate "file was deleted". Thanks.
  5. B

    Metastock 8.1 System Tester Problem

    I currently have Metastock EOD 8.1 and the system tester only seems to - maybe - test correctly using points-only testing, which starts at zero points. I want to test with a starting portfolio amount and it does appear allow that, but then the results it generates don't make sense, so I don't...