Recent content by Benji871

  1. B

    Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book.

    Hi guys. I have found a translation online in English. It is available on Amazon Kindle. How accurate the translation is I do not know. If the translation is accurate the first part of the book is written by the translator/aurthor about his reasons for translating the book and some background...
  2. B

    How to use Level 2 to improve your trading?

    Appreciate it. Thank you.
  3. B

    How to use Level 2 to improve your trading?

    Sorry know this is an old post but: Could you explain to me what "ES" is? Always interested to learn. Thank you.
  4. B

    Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book.

    Re: Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book I believe some good books are: Steve Nison: Japanese Candlestick Charting techniques. I have not read the other book "Beyond Candlesticks".
  5. B

    Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book.

    Re: Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book Hi Moneyspread. Unfortunately i was not able to find the book, either in online format or offline.
  6. B

    ROSE - Why additionally block traffic? - Meaning

    Just logged in to thank everyone for the meaning! Once again, Thanks. It makes sence now. :clap:
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    ROSE - Why additionally block traffic? - Meaning

    Anyone know at all what its meaning is? (Bump).
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    ROSE - Why additionally block traffic? - Meaning

    Hello all. This has been bugging me for a while ever since i first read the book Reminiscences of a stock operator by Jesse Livermore. In the last line of the book it states: "Why additionally block traffic?" Could someone tell me the meaning of this and its context? Is it something they used...
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    Steve Nison - Japanise Candlestick Charting Techniques.
  10. B

    Next Step...?

    Good books: Author: Jesse Livermore: Reminiscences of a stock operator. (The story of Jesse Livermore). How to trade in stocks (Jesse livermore and how he did it). These books are not about technical analysis but are good books non the less. Jesse livermore operated up to 1940 and made...
  11. B

    How do you recover from a £25,000 loss....

    Personaly i would try and not think about it as it will cloud your judgement in the future. I would start small with something that won't effect you too much and aim for consistancy and hone your trading skills. Practise good money management. For instance with your Spreadbetting try £1 a...
  12. B

    Advice for Options Trading Recruiting

    Hello There. Have you had any experience in options trading? As they will probably be interested in someone who at least has tried it themself with their own money at stake? Good luck and I wish you well in your interview.
  13. B

    Teaching or Actually Trading. Which is more profitable?

    I guess it depends how good at trading you are and/or how many people you can teach for a fee. :P
  14. B

    What are the dumbest/most annoying things you have heard people say about trading?

    Some of the "dumb" things used to think to myself. (As i don't trade on others advice). MISTAKES in thinking that have proven me wrong. Its gone down since i bought it therefore it must go up (averaging down and vice versa). Its gone down therefore its cheap. Its gone up therefore its...
  15. B

    Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book.

    Munehisa Homma - The "candlestick" chart inventor 17th Century - looking for book. Hello There. I am not sure whether to put this here on in the technical analysis candlestick section. So i have put it here as i think it should get more views. I was wondering if anyone knows if Munehisa Homma...