Atilla's latest activity

  • Atilla
    Atilla replied to the thread UK Politics.
    First past the post or proportional voting...? Have you considered LibDems?
  • Atilla
    Atilla replied to the thread UK Politics.
    Quote of the Election imo. Sir Robert Buckland today launched an extraordinary attack on his Conservative colleagues, saying they will...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    The Occupation of the American Mind (original 84-minute version) : Age-restricted - available on YouTube Kirby on Russian...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread Terrorism????...Blame America!!!! with Like Like.
    Netanyahu Arrest Warrant From ICC "Imminent"
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread Terrorism????...Blame America!!!! with Like Like.
    Did LBC Fire Sangita Myska For Criticising Israel?
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread Terrorism????...Blame America!!!! with Wow Wow.
    The One Video Israel REALLY Doesn't Want You To See
  • Atilla
    Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion. During the disastrous Vietnam War, it...
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  • Atilla
    Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    I always think that any person representing the people should not receive donations of any kind from any body, corporations or country...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Save Ukraine from American meddling For those who prefer facts to fiction - here is a really good article published in The Hill by Prof...
  • Atilla
    Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    All about NATO membership!!! Has nought to do with energy. The only energy perspective around this war, is more about US blowing up...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Apologies for quoting my own post, but just in case anyone is wondering what I had in mind or what I'm referring to - this GBNews...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to Rufus_Leakey's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Love Love.
    A worm allegedly ate part of his brain and died (maybe from malnutrition;)). He still has more brains than what's left in Biden and...