Atilla's latest activity

  • Atilla
    Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Sounds like a bit of a joke this appointment... :oops: Andriy...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    As an aside, this is a good opportunity to give those of you - e.g. c_v - some tips on how to distinguish between MSM propaganda and...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Haha Haha.
    There's so much this man says that is provable nonsense - I'll just pick out his most extreme comment to highlight the insanity of his...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Is this is all you've got c_v - really? No counter argument, nothing left in the tank - just shooting the messenger and now this. The...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Nobody wants to know this. He was convicted and served his sentence, so it must be done now. THINK! Your are not a judge in this case...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    R_L, We both know - indeed everyone knows - that his conviction has absolutely nothing to do with him being prevented from traveling...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to counter_violent's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Wow Wow.
    Funniest vid I've watched in a long time. All they are missing is red noses. So these Two are going to take on the US govt are they...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Still attacking the messenger and ignoring the message. That's all you can do as your entire argument - flimsy as it was from the outset...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    I can agree with most of your arguments. What I wanted to point out is that to discuss the difference between racism and other can...
  • Atilla
    Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Racism does exist in our modern world and does not always lead to or represent slavery. I would say it leads to more a case of...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    . . . And therein lies the rub. NATO the organisation and its members know it's game over for them if Russia wins the war. And, for all...
  • Atilla
    Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Our MSM press is really shiite. Even with the electioneering coverage. (going off topic a little but here it is). Everything is so...
  • Atilla
    Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Indeed At': those in the U.S. administration endorsing this policy are criminally insane - along with Cameron and BoJo here in the U.K.
  • Atilla
    Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    US and the West just itching for a nuclear strike. I know who to blame if and when it happens. NATO countries led by the US. :mad: