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    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread Best Thread Joke of the day with Haha Haha.
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      Truth bombs and words of wisdom from Tulsi Gabbard - if only this woman was the U.S. President instead of Biden - the world would be a...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread UK Politics with Like Like.
      Okay, I admit it, I got this very slightly wrong. Biden might - just about - know he's President of the United States, albeit that his...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      The reason why the establishment likes this guy is because the whole dogs of war administrative machinary likes this puppet who cannot...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread UK Politics.
      This is a super video to watch about the UK's economy and challenges we are facing. Really is on the nail. Bit of a 45min watch but...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      Biden’s handlers guiding him with flash cards Parkinson’s doctor regularly visited White House Biden tells Congress he won’t quit ‘I’m...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Interesting video about some of the challenges faced by the UK. I can also add that since 2010, Local Authority budgets have been cut...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Tories have been ruling with only one third of the vote them selves. I think they only got about 35% of the vote in previous elections.
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread UK Politics with Haha Haha.
      . . . And your boy is desperately clinging on to power in spite of the fact that he clearly has no idea what day of the week it is or...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Some might say Joy. This is what we need to do. Green belt is not as important as growth or peoples housing needs. VERY class act to...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      democracy or fascism?
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to timsk's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread UK Politics with Like Like.
      Keir Starmer's new prisons minister James Timpson believes 'only a third of inmates should actually be in jail'...
    • Atilla
      Atilla reacted to Phylo's post in the thread UK Politics with Like Like.
      Now it's 'Call me Keir' Starmer as new PM strikes chummy tone at No10 press conference - but hints at tax raids softer prisons Rwanda...
    • Atilla
      Atilla replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Population explosion is down to an aging population that is living much longer with more severe medical conditions. Migrants coming in...
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