Recent content by ARBinstruktor

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    US Index futures vs European Index futures.

    No idea which market is easier to trade. But since 2010 EU50 vs US500 is a PERFECT spread/pair-trade. From Leakey you can see this spread can be played with almost any major European country-index.
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    Gold Futures - Can anybody explain this please?

    That is simply a market characteristic grown in time. Almost any commodity has its own characteristic contract cycle. This also holds for expiration and delivery dates. Financial futures are much younger and therfore much more standardized, especially because only a few exchanges have survived...
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    who spreadbets at £100 per point ?

    Ever thought about a second account? With the same broker (not so easy) or another.
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    Eagerly seeking COIN-CROSS-Rate trades

    Hi! I am looking for CROSS-Rates in Cryptos. IG offers BCH/BTC and ETH/BTC but at rediculous spreads. Are there any brokers out there with a wider range and tighter spreads? Any brokers accepting a coin (BTC or BCH or ETH) as account currency? THnaks for your help
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    Interactive UK equities spread betting thread

    OK! Here are some questions! 1, why spread bets? for tax reasons? currency hedge? 2. there are NO swaps shown! Is it a swap free account? 3. Any limitations or extra fees for short positions? 4. Could you post the full list of intruments (stocks AND ETFs, at list for UK and USA)? Looking...
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    Best track record funds WANTED

    Thanks so far for the contributions. Unfortunately my fear is confirmed, there are no outperforming value oriented funds. QQQ and IWM are the best signs for an upcoming paradigm shift. And then HISTORIC GROWTH PERFORMANCE will be definitely NO GUARANTEE FOR FUTURE (VALUE) PERFORMANCE
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    Starting out long term portfolio ETF's

    I would just like to raise one question in all these discussions. What is the outlook for inflation and therefore for interest rates in special, and for markets in general? The standard model is the 60/40...
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    Best track record funds WANTED

    Hi! I have started to search for funds (mutual, closed, ETF, etc) with a long lasting brilliant track record and small investment sums. the criteria are in detail: 1) CAGR for 10y min 14%; for 15y min 12,5% 2) minimum investment below 5.000,- 3) load and/or redemption fee below 6% the...
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    The Hidden Mathematical Sequence of Time in Any Market

    Hello udithag! For some simple minds, like me, could you kindly explain what you are doing and how it refers to trading? When do you take what position, when do you exit? All those nice pictures so far would have generated how many profitable/lossing trades, at what average profit/loss...
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    Full time traders

    Hi Anton! If you really manage to break even, you are already on good track. Remember the Vegas veteran's weekend prayer. "Oh Lord let me break even this weekend, I really need the money next week..." But to get serious again, it is a good basis. Normally risk management can help in such a...
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    Trader from Hungary looking for Mentor or working strategy

    Hi Valeryn! Congrates! At the end of my monthly forum tour, I have found your post and link. At first sight very impressive. Perhaps I will have tomorrow an extra shift to go thru your pages. happy spreading
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    Seeking advice regarding traditional/ long term stock investing

    You are at the right place, but at the wrong time. Valuations are rich, and they might get richer and you might miss opportunity after opportunity. But you also might end up with a loss of 30%. Just look back a year ago. My advice: Invest in the broad market, at least 80% of your funds, BUT...
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    Starting an investment company?

    This context generates an ODD IDEA in my brain: Putting the real trading into the Ltd. But paying no dividends! Instead running a private tax free SB-account, and placing opposite trades in the company and private account. With some time and knowledge (I could help!) you should manage to...
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    Which Financial-Spread-Betting broker do you recommend that have best of the best fill and they are not market-maker and does not manipulating price?

    IG is the leader with the greatest range of products. BUT: 1. it is expensive, no other broker has such a detailed list of costs and expenses 2. To my knowlegde they only offer spread bettting to UK and Eire residents. CMC is second, and cheaper BUT also ONLY UK&EIRE CityIndex aka GAIN aka...
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    update TAKE PROFIT !!!! to the FREE Arbitrage Consulting for your NEXT trade; Gold

    ARBITRAGE = 2 DIFFERENT prices for the SAME asset after costs and benefits Gold futures price =!= Gold spot price ++++++++ (financing and other cost - costs avoided + convenience of position) Gold futures price =!= Gold spot price +++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++(basis) basis > (financing...