Recent content by Almarok

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    THT's Methods that WIN

    In this Unger Academy video, so-called Christmas Rallies since 1940 were analyzed, with a success rate of about 76 percent: Santa Claus Rally in Trading: What It Is, Why It Happens, and How to Profit from It:
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    S&P 500 from 1789 until today: free data

    You can download here in csv format, the FTSE 100 data from 1984 to the present: and here the FTSE 250 from 1985 to the present:^ftm in addition to the FTSE there are also other Indices (see post: #5)
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    THT's Methods that WIN

    W.D. Gann's Financial Time Table 1784 - 2121 - Extended and Adjusted:
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    THT's Methods that WIN

    If it is helpful, in this video Andrea Unger (4-time World Trading Champion) demonstrates that in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, starting in 1920, if the first 6 months of the year are up, they will be up in the second half of the year, and in this article describing the same topic, it is...
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    Boiler Room Scams

    In this video, Andrea Unger (4-time World Trading Champion) explains the scammers' techniques: you start with a very low capital $250, which "miraculously multiply easily", but fail to withdraw the money earned, ..and finally the fake law firm...: This Trading Scam is Ripping You Off!
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    THT's Methods that WIN

    Here you can download free data of the S&P 500 from 1789 until today (in csv format: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.): You can get the Indexes of the whole World, by writing in the box: Symbol np DJI (Down Jones...
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    Boiler Room Scams

    Here is a list of blocked scams and someone even already convicted: The pattern is always the same: get rich quick, with an algorithm or secret techniques finally revealed, fancy sports cars and beautiful women.....but there is yet another trick...
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    S&P 500 from 1789 until today: free data

    The History of the American Stock Exchange is described here:
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    THT's Methods that WIN

    Hi, congratulations on your considerable expertise and studies regarding Cycles, Gann, etc.... I wanted to add that in this video from January 28, there is a prediction by Larry Williams in which he predicts a sharp decline especially in 2026. I therefore wished to know your thoughts on this...
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    E-Mini SP 500

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    Free historical data from around the World

    You can download these Commodities (all in Metastock format) here: Natural Gas cont--NYMEX (2003 - 2018) E-mini Natural Gas cont--NYMEX (2002 - 2018) Platinum (1980 - 2018) Platinum cont--NYMEX (1995 - 2018)
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    Book with examples of codes for trading strategies

    These books also contain Trading System codes in Easylanguage: - Trading System and Methods (Perry Kaufman) - Trend Following Systems (George Pruitt)
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    KING KELTER system code

    The error is this: (High + Low + Close),avgLength), the exact code is this: (High + Low + Close)/3,avgLength) so the complete and working code is this: {King Keltner - by George Pruitt} Inputs: avgLength(40), atrLength(40); Vars: upBand(0),dnBand(0),liquidPoint(0),movAvgVal(0); movAvgVal =...