Recent content by AllanXT

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    Types of Breakouts?

    The Undertaker So a "Price Trader" is one who has been called to the "Dark Side." I like that. Maybe I'll change my user name to "The UnderTaker", more fitting I'd say! Good Trading to you friend, Allan
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Both Well said Chump. A price trader and a systems trader both have rules and a system that they follow. Got it. Good Trading, Allan
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Discretionary Well, to me a systems trader is one who finds a recurring inefficiency in the market. The inefficiency occurs with a high probability and is stable over a long period (sample data). A price trader (from what I've been told by you all) is a discretionary trader. However, a...
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Trade 2 Win, PO BOX 0.312, Cyberspace I see your point. However I would argue that price trading has been around for a very very long time. I don't think it could be regarded as a fad or a fashion. The same can be said for system trading. The traders in the Market Wizards books and the...
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    Types of Breakouts?

    There seems to be very little support on this board for systems trading. This board is oriented towards being a "Price Trader." So a list of breakout types seems like a waiste of time to traders focused on price trading. The Bulkowski book using statistics for patterns is useful for system...
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Price Trader If I have learned one lesson from this thread it is that I should become a price trader. The posts from Skim, including a few PM's and now your post BBB and your post Chump confirm it. I did ask Skim how one trains to become a price trader and was given some good advice. I...
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Breakout List Update TYPES OF BREAKOUTS 1. Highest High / Lowest Low Breakout 2. Volatility Breakout 3. Opening Range Breakout 4. Post Breakout Patterns (ilia king) 5. NR7 Breakouts (FTSE Beater) 6. Pattern Breakouts (Pennants, Traingles, Wedges) (Skimbleshanks) 7. Ross Hook Breakout...
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Types of Breakouts The purpose of this thread is to make a list of all the different types of breakouts. The thread has also focused on understanding what causes a breakout and trading tactics for breakouts. Let's all keep our focus on the purpose of the thread please. Allan
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    Types of Breakouts?

    No Indicators Yes, it is a long thread and I have not read very far into it yet. But I plan to read and study the whole thread and keep up with it daily. Skim was saying to make sure to read it as well. Allan
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Recognizing False Breakouts And Whipsaws Thank you for this great link. I made a copy of it in my files. Allan
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Too Cool Price Trader This is really what I have been looking for you know. I read Jesse Livermore's classic to find out what traders did before computers and indicators? How did traders get the job done? You point about using the eyeball and brain is exactly what I'm looking for. Skim has...
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Excellent Now that's what I call a most helpful post. Very good information that I can put to use. Study the charts and focus on what happens before major events such as reversals. No indicators, no books, just study the individual price moves on a chart. Cool. Simple and to the point. I...
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Market makers tend to focus on the pivot point and trade around that. With your description of VESA, it seems similar to playing an opening range breakout where you will put buystop and sellstop orders at both sides and take the one that is filled. It appears you found a consolidation area and...
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    Types of Breakouts?

    You have offered some great advice here and I appreciate that. I think your viewpoint is to not use indicators but rather use the chart patterns and learn how the market moves and how the all the patterns fit in to those movements. If I come across any more breakout types I will add them to...
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    Types of Breakouts?

    Skim I'm just a junior, but I think you are going overboard on Skim. He is really trying to help me and I appreciate it. He pointed out 3 examples of what a "Newbie" like myself could interpret as 3 different types of breakouts. From reading the "No Indicators" thread, he obviously knows...