Recent content by AJ2005

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    A question about tax on CFD income

    Thanks for the responses - Jaison - if the dividend is shown as taxable, why do the CFD providers not provide you with any form of tax certificates at year end - surely if everything in margin trading is the same as share-trading tax-wise, they should be obliged to send out consolidated tax...
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    A question about tax on CFD income

    Asked them and they said ask your cfd provider - case of passing the buck going on...!!
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    A question about tax on CFD income

    I have been trading CFD's since May last year on a fairly limited basis. However, I have come to filing my tax return for year 03/04 and although fully aware that any gains and losses in a closed cfd transaction are subject to CGT, there is a question my accountant and I can not find the answer...