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      cara2 reacted to brettb's post in the thread Swing Trading with Like Like.
      I have a Trading 212 but currently most of my work with ETFs is to try to get them to make decent returns. It's not as easy as it looks...
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      cara2 replied to the thread Swing Trading.
      Where do you trade ETF's? That's instant (and free) on Trading212, but they don't have a huge range. Elsewhere (ii. IE. HL. AJB.) they...
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      cara2 reacted to brettb's post in the thread Swing Trading with Like Like.
      Thanks - I found that portfoliodb.co site really interesting. I haven't yet created a really good ETF strategy except for the usual 52...
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      cara2 reacted to 1nvest's post in the thread Swing Trading with Like Like.
      Hi Brett, with regard to Salty Dog I used them also. It was some time ago so perhaps their results have changed. without wanting to...
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      cara2 reacted to brettb's post in the thread Swing Trading with Like Like.
      Just found this thread and saw it mentioned 52 week lows. I discuss these in my trading diary thread. I've started a strategy based...
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      cara2 replied to the thread Swing Trading.
      Well done to both of you, good for Forum Spirit. @1nvest, I'm sure many of us would appreciate more info about the strategy which was...
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      cara2 replied to the thread Alternative Investments.
      Hang on, it all depends where you go. You can pay through the nose if you pick the wrong place, but somewhere cheap may not even have...
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      cara2 replied to the thread Alternative Investments.
      Certainly there have been great individual stocks but the attraction of India was that there's some diversification, away from US tech ...
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