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      Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- With a nuke-nuke here, and a nuke-nuke there...
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      Phylo replied to the thread Best Thread Joke of the day.
      • Joke - DNA Assorted Cracker.png
    • P
      Phylo replied to the thread Best Thread Joke of the day.
      • Joke - Lion King.png
    • P
      Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- A shocking act that will reshape the...
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      Phylo replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Labour moves to ban puberty blockers permanently as new Health Secretary Wes Streeting plans to stop them being given to children by any...
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      Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- The 81-year-old commander-in-chief insists he...
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      Phylo replied to the thread UK Politics.
      NO ! Who would have thought ...... ? ---------------------------------------------------- Burglar freed early from overcrowded prison...
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      Phylo replied to the thread UK Politics.
      A civilized society protects the wellfare of the civilized and deals (objectively) ruthlessly with the uncivilized. An uncivilized...
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      Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- Biden calls Zelensky 'President Putin' in...
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      Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- Neurologist comments on Biden's health...
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      Phylo replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Small boats people smugglers should be treated 'like terrorists' says Keir Starmer as he unveils Labour's migration plans Read more...
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      Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- When are one of these many vows/threats going...
    • P
      Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- The war in Ukraine 'is Europe's problem' and...
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      Phylo replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Hey ! We voted on the same ticket ! (weeelll, its always a f'n compromise) Maybe we should do the big bromance thing......on second...
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      Phylo replied to the thread UK Politics.
      The Reform Five arrives: Nigel Farage FINALLY enters Parliament with his allies and warns he is coming for Labour's votes - as Tory...
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