These days, I trade and lead a capitalist Gentleman's life. I used to have a proper job as a pianist in a brothel but I gave up work after that - couldn't do the hours and the pay was rubbish.

Basic TA (price / S&R / trend) coupled with cycle analysis and good risk management.

My philosophy - simplicity and disciplined trading.

Steam trains / fast cars / fast women
United Kingdom
Trading Style
swing: on Occam's razor
List of Markets Traded
Any wallet-filler - FTSE at present
What method do you use to Trade?
Price / trend /S&R / cycle analysis. NO indicators or fancy stuff. EOD data
Trading Experience
More than 5 Years
Trading Work Status
Full-Time (Home/Office)
Preferred Trading Style
  1. Swing Trader
Preferred Trading Methodology
  1. Trend
Preferred Market Regions
  1. US
Preferred Markets
  1. Stocks
Preferred Trading Instruments
  1. Equities (Owned Stock)
  2. Spreadbetting
Preferred Spreadbetting Brokers
  1. IG Index
Favorite Trading Tip
Occam's razor


0007 -
"A Gentleman should not be seen before mid-morning unless he is returning home from the night before"😎



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