Financial Transaction Tax


Active member
Any of you traders in the U.S. have any plans for what you'd do if they ever started a stamp tax in the U.S. or even globally? It looks very likely that this will be a reality one day. So far, we don't have spread betting or CFD's, so what's a trader to do?
Website Relating to Proposed Tax Legislation

Any of you traders in the U.S. have any plans for what you'd do if they ever started a stamp tax in the U.S. or even globally? It looks very likely that this will be a reality one day. So far, we don't have spread betting or CFD's, so what's a trader to do?

This site has consistently provided information related to the Transaction Tax and updates the information on a frequent basis.

There is a newly published article here referring to developments at the G-20 meeting.

The information seems positive - but legislative sentiment can always turn.
That is a pretty positive article. I also saw a blurb on Bloomberg over the weekend featuring Trichet whom also appears to not support such a measure. Hopefully we'll keep dodging the bullet!