From 1000$ to more than 3 Million dollar in one day :)

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Junior member
yesterday i opened Demo account in FXCH with balance 1000$
and i gained more than 3 miliion dollar 🙂 in one day only

the Full report in Attachments

see the report and we will keep talking about how i do this profits

and this is the acc. No. and the investor pass

Login : 65289
Investor : wlt6vcc

(sry about my english language, im still learning it 🙂 )


Now my account reached the fourth million
now more than 4 million dollar in my account LoL

F**K Forex 😀
it just a game
u r easy game, but who can belive this
Oh we all feel the shame mohamed. Here's us traders working hard every day, making 1%, losing 1%, making 3%, losing 2%, making 1% etc every day like this, struggling and you have shown the way.

I'm about ready to jump off a bridge at my own inadequacy. If the Penguins of Madagascar weren't on to cheer me up, I think I'd be a gonner.

Well done Mohamed 7 million. You are the best.
9 million dollar
what a game 😀 !


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Oh we all feel the shame mohamed. Here's us traders working hard every day, making 1%, losing 1%, making 3%, losing 2%, making 1% etc every day like this, struggling and you have shown the way.

I'm about ready to jump off a bridge at my own inadequacy. If the Penguins of Madagascar weren't on to cheer me up, I think I'd be a gonner.

Well done Mohamed 7 million. You are the best.
thnx dear 🙂🙂
mohammed, can you give us some insights into how you've accomplished this mind blowing feat 😀
I resent that there are some touches of sarcasm in one or two of the posts.
clearly to show an equity curve like that this guy has talent. I am prepared to back him and will put 10k in the pot.anyone else in?
there is no secret guys

i just scalping with very very high risk

Note: the account nw reached 12 Million dollar LoooL 😉

Now i can say go to hell Forex

i will gain 100M Dollar every day 🙂))

anyone wants to be a millonair

i will make u a millionair
i swear i will make u a millionair
no no no . i will make u a billionair if u want 😉

but u need to open account in a broker have this 4 terms :

1-MT4 platform 4 digit
2-levearge 1/200 or more
3-accpet scalping
4-spread 1 pip in Eur/Usd

if u found a broker with this terms
open account in it and just deposite only 100$
and i swear i will make u a millionair in just 2 days 😎
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