EXCEL - modelling strategies - FAQ/help


Junior member
Hello All,

I am interested in acquiring/or getting developed some excel sheets that have detailed price analysis and or (automated)trading strategies/signals.

At this point if any1 could offer any suggestions of commercial or shareware excel spreadsheets that offer advanced price analysis it would be appreciated.

I am looking at mt4 dde into excel, but i want to know the power/limitations of such an approach, before i invest the effort in it, as opposed to an mt4 EA.

for eg ,

is it possible for one excel spreadsheet to concurrently access multiple mt4 terminals ?

any insight that any1 has regarding the above would be welcomed.
I don't know about mt4 terminals because I use excel with IB TWS. If you want to know about my topic, I can tell you quite a bit. I cannot send you my excel workbook, but I can give you useful advice. However, as I said, I know nothing about excel's interaction with mt4.

And here few people will answer, because as usual, they created too many sub-sections, and your thread would have been more suited to the "mechanical trading" forums (yes, there's 3 of them), but maybe you didn't post it there because you missed it in the sea of forums, or maybe you didn't because there everything is dead, in which case I can't blame you.
And here few people will answer, because as usual, they created too many sub-sections, and your thread would have been more suited to the "mechanical trading" forums (yes, there's 3 of them), but maybe you didn't post it there because you missed it in the sea of forums, or maybe you didn't because there everything is dead, in which case I can't blame you.

I thought they'd agreed to merge them for you ?
Yes, they'll do it maybe in 3 months - if they do it. I mean - if they got to the point of having 150 forums, it's pretty clear what the future will be like. As we do for back-testing, if we're to judge the future from the past, I am pretty pessimistic (nonetheless I keep pushing my points, and try to spread the word).

In the meanwhile, we're all still wandering in the desert and talking to ourselves. Just now i've discovered that our community of automated traders is not just scattered on those 3 forums, but on this one, too.

Yetidarko and others post their questions, nobody answers them, they give up and move on to other forums, such as elitetrader. Why? Because there's here... probably, at any time, 30 automated traders (all the others gave up browsing this forum -- I am here because of my journal) and they don't increase, because they're all spread out over 150 forums, and each time a new one joins, another one abandons the forum.
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My answer is going to be simplified, and the reason is that I cannot give you a quick way to automate things and become profitable, given that I am not even profitable myself yet, all things considered. And given that it has taken me several years to get to where I am now.

That is, unless you're already a programmer, in which case, you'll get to profit much faster.

Brainstorming on automation.

1) Go to the number one forum that i know of, and that is... section 48, the "automated trading" section, in EliteTrader.com:

So, forget about learning things here, because this is like a desert compared to that forum (as you can see from all the dead skeletons/threads). Needless to say things would get better if they deleted some of the over 100 useless sections and sub-sections they have here.

2) download tradestation 2000i for free from emule or from another filesharing network.

3) once you have created your strategy and backtested it on tradestation, on www.disktrading.com data, and with the out-of-sample methodology, you will be ready to take another step forward (a few years down the line) and open an account with IB.

4) once you open that account, you can use their sample excel sheet and build your strategies on it (customizing it). And this will take another few years.

5) once you have done that, too, you can learn how to make your strategies interact together, and that part is called portfolio theory, and that's where I am at right now.

Bottom line is after 14 years of work I still have not made any money. Actually lost a few dozen thousand dollars in the process of learning.
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