Pointless, uneducating, rarely trading related Journal. (With porn)


Established member
Its 21:31 and i'm currently experiencing a boute of insomnia... That means its about lunch time according to my circadian rythmes.
You reeled me in with the false promise of porn.

Make a 'Gladiator' 'for the lulz' .gif, that should take a while.
What colour is your aura? Do you use it as an indicator?

Whats aura ?

Have you noticest i'm really good at telling people when i don't know a word; one of my specialities... I've no pride relating to knowledge.

To continue ...

So its 21:51, just after lunch ... That means my day is just starting and i wonder what types of activities i will fill it with - Probably far too much porn, and then after telling myself no more porn for week, only to fail myself 30 minutes later... Followed by a session of prison break and then waiting for megavideo to allow me to watch ... Then guilt that i'm up at 5am, followed by waking up to an alarm @ 10am that is ignored... Followed by a wake up at 1am and the feeling of annoyance that i've not managed to go for a jog, have breakfast or have a weight session as i planned to previous night.

I usually go for a jog at about 5am before i even sleep; which is retarded i agree.

The weird thing about insomnia is that you never feel tired ... Your either, totally awake, or that feeling where your eyes are really wide but you can't think properly, like your brain is half sleeping. Like when you have to wake up really early before a flight.
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Tonight is the start of recovery.

Its 1.02 Am and i'm going to switch all electrical items off (after watching an episode of prison break and then family guy), take my nytol and attempt to sleep, with my alarm clock set to 10am - When i awaken, i'm going to eat a decent breakfast and immediately go for a nice jog.

Lets ****in' do it.

The only problem i can see is that prison break + family guy leading to more time on the pc, causing the alarm not to wake me up, otherwise its plain sailing from here on out.

Come on, lets ****in ave em'
His name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And he will have vengeance, in this life or the next.

But if he stoops to cheap porn, he can forget about harvesting his crops and those Fields of Elysium.
Done pretty well today... Got up @ 10.30am. Its amazing how, when you've been waking up really late for a while - how long a day feels like. For example its 12:43 - usually wouldn't be up, and i've had breakfast, watched some tv, went for a jog and went to my friends to discuss travel plans.

E-mini S&P 500 Talkage:
Current trading methodology is to very closely track the 60-minute trend, by trend, i mean its very current direction... If its a pullback in a bigger trend, i consider that a downtrend ... Because when day trading i don't want to be fading - and even if i'm buying a pullback, i'm going with the trend, but i'm fading the direction... So i'm tracking the 60-minute/5-minute direction and then bidding on small sharp drops.

Its about being patient in waiting for the direction to be clear, rather than trying to guess the start of the change or the actual end of a direction... If a market is clearly rising, then i want to be bidding maybe 3 ticks below and just waiting for a normal sharp fall before a continuation of direction. Alternatively in a strong directional movement, i'll wait for a small two-peak breakout opportunity to arise.

For trend i use three-box-break graphs, a 50EMA and a 200EMA. Some simple tracking of Higher highs/Higher lows, really more visual than accurate, $tick & Finally just following the momentum.

For the actual entries, i use low-tick charts to try and see all the activity at the bid/ask.

For exits; Pivots (Weekly/monthly/Daily), strong S/R & volume.

Buying into direction and momentum is normally associated with 'greed' but i'm of the belief that if you can do so, with discpline and rules then its a really good strategy because you'll be getting in much sooner than all the greedy emotional traders and then they will fuel your earnings...
Because we are told against buying rising price, its hard to do at first but actually, having had the majority of last years trades as fades and still having trend trades outperform i think its a much safer and profitable way to trade.

Just to add; i use to spend 5 + hours per day watching time/sales on the E-mini S&P 500 or Spy or particular stocks and i've replaced that now with a bid/ask indicator, as well as a size recognition indicator. Still watch it while i'm actively trading but now its a lot easier. (If you want to know my T/S settings then do ask and i'll consider letting you in on the No 1# trading secret for pit traders - Not.)

A' Thankyou . x

Todays 60-minute chart.

Douche bag united4.png

News is also another important factor for me, and mostly i use it to add a weighting to a directional move...

Most of my trading revolves around gaining a context, particularly through keeping up on news and watching the markets reaction, and then having actions appropriate to them conditions.

Right now i'm working on a stock day trading strategy; which will revolve around scanning for 'Whats moving on the day' via new highs/new lows/ 'strange volume' and using upgrades/downgrades & earnings & other fundamental factors to scan for potential movers. This idea is thanks to Jeff, who is really handsome 🙂
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Where's the pron? I'm disappointed.

If i've learnt anything in life its that, if you don't plan to wank in the next 5-minutes - then porn isn't that interesting.

Similarly, i watched Family Guy last night and Guagmire didn't know about internet porn, so he brought the latest addition of Sports illustrated ... But the lads said they are they are desensitized to ladies in bra's with all the porn on the internet ... So obviously i can relate to that.

Personally; for example in a film, i'm not that bothered about seeing the ladies tits unless i'm planning a wank. Maybe its just me.
A real life catch-22

^ I'm colour blind so if that is pink then your the gay one for assuming i wasn't colour blind.

Its hard to say.jpeg

Percy pigs... They are pretty tasty.
But; i think the gelatin hurts my teeth, makes them kindof itch.

Somehow, i still end up eating them everytime i see some in other peoples handbags even though i know i'll regrett it 2-minutes later with the ache in my mouth...

I know what your thinking, ' Life is so tough '
1.30pm fade the news....

'Just set them up, to knock them down ' - 3OH!3

What a reaction 😀 haha
So exciting!

Redbook @ .55
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I'd be very interested in hearing more about the bis/ask & size indicators. I don't use eSignal but Tradestation but if this stuff isn't too 'secret squirrel' and you can give me an overview of what it does, I can code it up on TS.
I'd be very interested in hearing more about the bis/ask & size indicators. I don't use eSignal but Tradestation but if this stuff isn't too 'secret squirrel' and you can give me an overview of what it does, I can code it up on TS.

I do like the idea of exchanging it in a briefcase, with me in a fox outfit and you'll have to show up as a Squirrel and make sure no one sees us but unfortunately for me; its not classified at all...

I can send you the EFS if that would help and i'll run by the basics of how i use it/what it is when i have the energy to be serious, which is about 5% of the time i think which i'm sure could be confirmed by the futures chat room.
I can't open EFS - but if you can paste the code into a text file I should be able to figure it out - especially if you give me an explanation too !

In your own time though - should I PM you an email addy or shall we do it in public ?
I can't open EFS - but if you can paste the code into a text file I should be able to figure it out - especially if you give me an explanation too !

In your own time though - should I PM you an email addy or shall we do it in public ?

I'll pm you in Trade2Win.

Douche bag united5.png

First trade of the day.

I'll probably post all trades today; but not consistantly every day.
I'll pm you in Trade2Win.

Much appreciated.

Right now i'm working on a stock day trading strategy; which will revolve around scanning for 'Whats moving on the day' via new highs/new lows/ 'strange volume' and using upgrades/downgrades & earnings & other fundamental factors to scan for potential movers. This idea is thanks to Jeff, who is really handsome 🙂

Did someone say scan ?

Check out www.marketguage.com. I'm trialing their "Hot Scans" service now as TS doesn't have decent real-time scans. I'm not sure how marketguage stacks up against eSignal real time scans but they talk a good game.

Tradestation has hot lists - but you can't filter out stocks you wouldn't trade - such as low price, low volume, specific exchange.

Tradestation does have a scanner but the way it works would be useless for intra-day, it's great for end of day scans though.

All of this could, of course be no use whatsoever. In that case, I'll post up a pic of Debbie McGee with an Alsation.
Douche bag united6.png

+ 6 ticks

Still a directional movement down... Buying the sharp up movements on the lower TF's.