Ministry Of Pips

Hip Hop

Junior member
Opening brought forward from £80 journal to continue here at the Ministry Of Pips.

Originally Posted by Hip Hop View Post
Well ok, It's a roll over ! The trend has changed! Last long netted +65 ticks and Hip hop trand strat has gone sold at 1.57 even 16.46 ny time..

So 2 trades thus far +215 , +65... The tide of bigger trends is down so lets see if we get a tsunami of pip to the sell side on this most recent of sell orders!

But watching boiling water never cooks food , so let us wait to be served , if indeed we will be !

Hip Hop
Michael Jackson. Thank you. I hope I am blessed with your strength. God bless you. I feel as if I should of sent you my support in some way. Perhaps you will accept I am doing so now,if only in some small way?

Michael, we love you ...

Hip Hop.

OK , the current trade is indeed turning out to be somewhat of a thriller ...... The sell of 157.00 is still In tact , despite ranging trading activity as the market prepares to drown the bulls into next week.

In the heat of this action, Hip Hop stays cool ,with a "Hip Hop Hold" , to the short side!

Hip Hop.


Update from the Ministry Of Pips. Trade is still short currently bosoming between +800-1000 pips at this time.

Ministry Of Pips status is hold short and ride the waves.

Hip Hop