trading ftse 25

  • Thread starter Thread starter nero1
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first short 1660 yersterday second 1690 now


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I would expect the bank sector to drop under 713 by the end of the month,its now at 795.


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Thanks nero1, I don't have this on my charting software (Sharescope Gold: anyway, its daily bars only) so I can't see the context. Good luck.
the index is at 1624,and the bank index has lost 7% yersterday with a low at 726


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Well i will have to show you this its amazing how this targets hold the price


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I closed one position in 1690 and hedged the other in 1693


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Are you using a variant of the 'tomtar averaging down methodology'? Ive found it very useful in my tarding 👍
I planned to keep these positions for a couple of months,since i closed them i will close the thread,i am planning to short again in the way down or on friday,i will see,i have to say that in brexit and at 24-6-16 both times ftse was overpriced and you could short with not much risk,i guess they plan the same for italys referandum.
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Are you using a variant of the 'tomtar averaging down methodology'? Ive found it very useful in my tarding 👍
i dont know it if you explain it i will tell you,you mean averaging down as it goes down or up?
I might have it wrong but it looked like you sold one at 1660 and then sold another at 1690, prices then went up to 1720ish before falling to 1615. It then reversed and started to go back up and you closed out both at 1690 odd.
Edit:- sorry you hedged one at 1693. How did you hedge it? Are you trading futures?


Heres an example of the basic tomtar methodology. It just shows a small part as it can be expressed in many ways.


I hedge by buying a contract for december,what you said is moyen,thats how i know it and its suicide,
I do a moyen only when there is highpriced area and low risk,my first trade was 30% risk my second 10% risk that means that longs had the risk not me.I
Well i guess noone have heard that there can be a 10% risk trade.

If you like doing moyen,or averaging down ask the greeks who did moyen since 2000 in banks and lost 99.99% of their money,i remember banks at 80 euro and with reverse splits they are now 1 cent.

As a strategy you can use it if you know what you are doing and this is a matter of much discussion
If you are an average trader who doesht know how much risk he takes in every trade like 95% of traders is,then you should learn to use a stop, if you cannot find a way to do that,then an option is to stop trading
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I hedge by buying a contract for december,what you said is moyen,thats how i know it and its suicide,
I do a moyen only when there is highpriced area and low risk,my first trade was 30% risk my second 10% risk that means that longs had the risk not me.I
Well i guess noone have heard that there can be a 10% risk trade.

If you like doing moyen,or averaging down ask the greeks who did moyen since 2000 in banks and lost 99.99% of their money,i remember banks at 80 euro and with reverse splits they are now 1 cent.

As a strategy you can use it if you know what you are doing and this is a matter of much discussion
If you are an average trader who doesht know how much risk he takes in every trade like 95% of traders is,then you should learn to use a stop, if you cannot find a way to do that,then an option is to stop trading

'moyen' Ive never heard of that word in my trading journey, cheers 👍

Between you and me, the 'tomtar methodology' isnt really averaging down at all 😏. Its just a variable form of scaling that concentrates on ya average price, yer average prop / market maker wouldnt bat an eyelid at it, but here on T2W it gets some panties in a bunch know wot i mean. Providing you are showings much respectings to the size (risk) its by far the least riskiest way to tarde vanilla as ya gona find, cos yo always always seeking value 🙂

Im not one to nitpick, but, from what ive seen so far, it seems like you added to a losing position, and you didnt seem to manage it at all.
You first sold at 1660 and then again at 1690. I can only imagine those clips were more than one contract as youre a pro trader with access to unknown methods.

You then watched it rise to 1720, and did nothing.

Then you watched it fall towards an amazing target thing at 1610

Or is it the 1620 amazing price holding level? i dunno, and did nothing.

Then, you watched go back up through 1690 and closed (im guessing here) the 1690 short break even, and held the 1660 short open, but its ok cos youve hedged it with 1693 dec.

Am i close?
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I tried to sell at 1700 and it fell really guickly and i sell at 1690 at 2 and i should start closing at three,my hourly sustem gave a buy at 4 and a sell at 6 i choose not to follow them and in 5 there was a buy candlestick pattern i didht follow either,the comision are very high anyway in greece to trade in hourly charts,i imagine i shouldht trade at all in greek index
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I tried to sell at 1700 and it fell really guickly and i sell at 1690 at 2 and i should start closing at three,my hourly sustem gave a buy at 4 and a sell at 6 i choose not to follow them and in 5 there was a buy candlestick pattern i didht follow either,the comision are very high anyway in greece to trade in hourly charts,i imagine i shouldht trade at all in greek index

So which signals do you follow? just the ones that work?