Just Scalping

  • Thread starter Thread starter tar
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Risk is fixed in my scalping journal , whether my SL is 20 pints or 100 the risk is the same here = R
From the previous link

“At the end of the day, the most important thing is how good you are at risk control. Ninety-percent of any great trader is going to be the risk control.” – Paul Tudor Jones

“The elements of good trading are: 1. Cutting losses, 2. Cutting losses, and 3. Cutting losses. If you can follow these three rules, you may have a chance.” – Ed Seykota

“The golden rule of trading is to keep losses at a level of 1 R as often as possible and to make profits that are high-R multiples.” Van Tharp
"Whether you are a day trader or a long term investor, the end goal is always the same: return maximum R in the shortest amount of time."


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Hi tar,
I'd be interested to know your definition of 'scalping'? I ask as I suspect many members wouldn't consider a trade lasting the best part of an hour with 100 point stop as scalping! Nice trade all the same. Any chance of an annotated chart showing the rationale behind the trade?
Hi tar,
I'd be interested to know your definition of 'scalping'? I ask as I suspect many members wouldn't consider a trade lasting the best part of an hour with 100 point stop as scalping! Nice trade all the same. Any chance of an annotated chart showing the rationale behind the trade?

100 points is not always 100 points , it depends on the instrument and market volatility , for example a 100 point move is nothing for the dax during the first hour or news . Anyway my SL wont be static at 100 points away , many times its just 10 pips , so maybe that trade doesn't look like literally scalping but you should check my other coming trades if you want .

Anticipating a continuation in short term trend after a pullback to 21EMA . TP exit was discretionary .

5 min chart below :


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SL varies 100 points , 10 points ... etc . But R is always fixed .
BTW a note here re holding period , many scalpers did sometimes have to hold trades for hours trying to scalp the bid-ask spread in 3 months STIRS , so holding period doesnt always define scalping .
Scalpers may often have to hold a EuroDollar butterfly position for days just to get one tick profit !


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