T2W Forex Contest - Apr 2012 - Best Prizes Ever!

T2W Bot

Staff member
This month we're very grateful to InterTrader for sponsoring our biggest prize pool yet! Not just one, but three chances to win...

1st Prize: QV Multi Screen LCD Stand - 4 Screens (2x2)
2nd Prize: iPad (3rd gen) Wifi 16 Gb
3rd Prize: Kindle Fire

How to enter

Entry is free and takes just a couple of minutes. First, sign up on ForexDesk, using the invitation code "T2WCOMP" and your T2W username. Once you're activated your account, log in and create a new practice account using the default settings. You can call it whatever you like but you must add "#T2W-APR12" to the name, to enter the new contest. Then make at least one trade during the duration of the competition to qualify for the prize.

More detailed instructions on the Contest information page.


- Contest started on Sunday 1st April 2012 22:00 UTC
- Contest finishes on Friday 27th April 2012 23:00 UTC
- Enter any time before the contest finishes.
- The winner will be judged by their P&L for the duration of the contest.
- Accounts must remain public (not private) for the duration of the contest.
- Mirroring of trades to retain first position lead is disallowed and may result in disqualification.
- To qualify for the prize contestants must open at least one position.
- Only entry per person


- Top Trader (Highest P&L)

Remember to add "#T2W-APR12" to the account name.

Good Trading all!
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hi; i think the quotes are out of wack.

EURUSD is wrong on ForexDesk compared to real quotes. they are off by 10 pips
is it possible to add the FX crosses to the list of symbols? also NZDUSD please.
What on earth made T2W pick Forexdesk for these contests. The prices disagree with the real live prices by up to 15 pips, orders take up to 10 minutes to add and then at a different price to that when the order was placed, the profit does not update as the price changes and you have to jump across sevaral screens to work out your current position. Worst trading facility I have ever seen. Oh, and it also keeps giving me access to somebody elses account.
What on earth made T2W pick Forexdesk for these contests. The prices disagree with the real live prices by up to 15 pips, orders take up to 10 minutes to add and then at a different price to that when the order was placed, the profit does not update as the price changes and you have to jump across sevaral screens to work out your current position. Worst trading facility I have ever seen. Oh, and it also keeps giving me access to somebody elses account.

I have the same problem with pips delay. Apparently the market orders seem to execute at near live prices; it's only the quote page is out. 🙁
Forexdesk is sharky's, or something.

Thanks for the feedback everyone. We had some technical problems earlier in the week that caused the reporting of the prices to be lagged, but the execution of any orders should have always occurred in realtime. The prizes this month, are indeed awesome. Given we normally have about 60 players playing, that's pretty good odds for winning a really good prize!

ForexDesk is indeed a in-house project by T2W and still very much in beta. The reason you can view other people's accounts Uphios is because the system was originally set up as a platform for traders to automatically trade other traders' account. We just thought it would be cool to use it for a real-time forex contest, and so far it's worked pretty good. There's a ton of improvements we're hoping to make over time, and the contest is a great way for us to stress test the system in the meantime.
Thx Sharky, it rocks. How much is dat QV Multi Screen LCD Stand - 4 Screens (2x2)?

Hope that I won't be burning so soon... sux 😆

Thanks for the feedback everyone. We had some technical problems earlier in the week that caused the reporting of the prices to be lagged, but the execution of any orders should have always occurred in realtime. The prizes this month, are indeed awesome. Given we normally have about 60 players playing, that's pretty good odds for winning a really good prize!

ForexDesk is indeed a in-house project by T2W and still very much in beta. The reason you can view other people's accounts Uphios is because the system was originally set up as a platform for traders to automatically trade other traders' account. We just thought it would be cool to use it for a real-time forex contest, and so far it's worked pretty good. There's a ton of improvements we're hoping to make over time, and the contest is a great way for us to stress test the system in the meantime.
More problems today I guess then! Placed an order 13:36 which eventually turned up on my list at 13:44 and 19 points higher than where I had bought.

Seriously this piece is near unusable, I compain to my broker if they take more than 10 seconds to fill an order, it's usually instant and at the price quoted on the screen.

Good idea, good competion, great prizes shame about the interface.
We've got some scaling issues, every month that passes, we're tracking more and more accounts and it's putting a lot of strain on the server. I think we need to probably purge the old contest accounts for now, as a quick fix. Because up until the last couple of months, there were no (or hardly any) reports of performance issues. I'll speak to our tech guys today and see what we can do!
Looking at my activity it says I created a market order 2 hours ago to sell usdcad (10 lots) @ 99384, but I logged on today for the first time just now - 3.45pm gmt. I did have an order in to sell usdcad @ 9980 (19 hours ago), which wld now be 60+ ticks onside.
So my stop order been executed @ 50 ticks worse price as a market order?
I have closed it now cos I don't really know what's going on.
I have some more orders in there which I don't understand either.
We've got some scaling issues, every month that passes, we're tracking more and more accounts and it's putting a lot of strain on the server. I think we need to probably purge the old contest accounts for now, as a quick fix. Because up until the last couple of months, there were no (or hardly any) reports of performance issues. I'll speak to our tech guys today and see what we can do!

getting rid of old contest accounts? maybe a good idea to keep contest winners accounts? i'm only thinking on the lines of the early comp threads "Check out how he did it" links will become invalid? plus wouldn't deleting accounts eventually make the newer style "how they did it" graphic not work? or is that now just a static pic for each past comp?
There are clear problems that make it very hard this month. I have taken trades and they dont show up,I take them again and 5 mins later they both show up. Same when closing a position,I was 10 short,closed 3,tried again,tried again,gave up,only to find out later I had taken off 9 positions.its fantastic the prizes that are up for grabs and Im sure its getting more attention,but there must be another set up we can use that works a lot better,could not we all use the sponsors demo accounts until things are better.Hopefully clearing all the accounts will sort this out. We only need this months.T2win could provide a form guide of say the last 3 months performance
Agreed CV. We've kept all the old accounts.

We had the tech team looking into it just now, and we believe we've solved the problem.

It was related to the regular cleanup we do of old chart data, we were storing well over 500,000 old charts and it was making the stats generation and clean up process an almighty grind. There's no value in for storing so much historic data, so we updated it to store 3 hours instead of 7 days worth. This is purely an internal process and it has no affect on your account information on ForexDesk. So now we're clearing out all the old charts, which may take a few hours, but afterwards everything should work normally again.

Thanks for your patience and reporting the issues.
Hopefully clearing all the accounts will sort this out. We only need this months.T2win could provide a form guide of say the last 3 months performance

that's not fair flashy, you may not like looking through other accounts that have done well, or badly. i do, and don't really wish to see any of it removed. how would you like it if t2w itself was having issues and maybe it was deemed necessary to prune large threads, and your calls thread was under threat? or a large thread you liked reading?

can it not all be archived? surely that's the answer. deleting it all without a thought seems a bit harsh, even if nobody actually cares 🙁
No accounts are going to be deleted, and since everyone has suffered this week, I think it's fair to keep things going as they are. From tomorrow everything should be smooooth.
Good news. Tech team have confirmed that ForexDesk is now running smoothly again. Thanks for your patience everyone!
that's not fair flashy, you may not like looking through other accounts that have done well, or badly. i do, and don't really wish to see any of it removed. how would you like it if t2w itself was having issues and maybe it was deemed necessary to prune large threads, and your calls thread was under threat? or a large thread you liked reading?

can it not all be archived? surely that's the answer. deleting it all without a thought seems a bit harsh, even if nobody actually cares 🙁

Point taken. I just want it working for all our sakes. I must have about 15 accounts and Im sure others the same. Every month I forget to add the # bit or miss something out. Can I ask what you can tell from the accounts etc other than an interest point of view. I trade totally differently and am forced to make trades I dont want etc towards the end of the month, drop below 40k and give up etc,etc. Im not knocking the comp in any way as the rules are the same for all, but Im not sure much can be gained by looking at old accounts.