Sticky T2W Website Updates (New Features/Bug Fixes/Server Problems)


Hi everyone,

I've decided to start this thread to make announcements regarding any new features we add, and bug fixes we make - so that you know exactly whats happening behind the scenes.

At least this way you're always in the loop as to what we're busy filling our days with.

To start the thread, I should add that in the past few days we made the following updates😡

  1. Added a new rotating store section to the front page displaying featured products. This rotates with with the reviews section.
  2. Registration for the store is now required and separate from the forum registration. On the plus side - you can easily see your order history, update your personal details and more easily make repeat purchases.
  3. The front page calendar section now shows details of the last two economic events and the next three (also indicates day, as well as time).
  4. The calendar is using an upgraded feed with results announcements immediately.
  5. Formatting of all calendar pages now correct, and events link through from front page correctly.
  6. Quick search for T2W Article and Reviews added and working.
* Added printer friendly version of the articles - button at the top of each article.
* Forex competition time now fixed and showing correctly for all timezones.
* Various tweaks to the forum templates to make it easier to read. (Note: Do a proper refresh in your browser - shift * refresh in firefox, ctrl & refresh in IE - so that the new stylesheet is used).
* Restructured the forex forums into a separate category and added new forums:

- Forex
-- Forex Discussion
-- Forex News & Analysis
-- Forex Strategies & Systems (NEW)
-- Forex Brokers (NEW)
-- Forex First Steps (NEW)

NB. Existing threads have been moved into the most appropriate forum.
* Added various stats to the bottom of the main forum homepage, such as top poster, threads, reputation etc.
Will Top Poster be down to number of posts because if it is then are we not encouraging the posting of a lot of rubbish just to be honoured with the title ?

Will Top Poster be down to number of posts because if it is then are we not encouraging the posting of a lot of rubbish just to be honoured with the title ?


.....Quality arther than Quantity in posting should be promoted........Otherwise it will become ritual posting just for the sake of it.....and getting a bean along the way....
* Added printer friendly version of the articles - button at the top of each article.
* Forex competition time now fixed and showing correctly for all timezones.

Printing articles from Traderpedia prints in very small letters.....Only way to print hem at 11 or 12 is by copying them to Word before.....
think something may be amiss top posters shown with 4 billion posts
unless they just need to get out more
Will Top Poster be down to number of posts because if it is then are we not encouraging the posting of a lot of rubbish just to be honoured with the title ?



And if you think about it, the title of top poster means little anyway, as a consequence of this type of behaviour. I think we can all recognise that this stat is fairly meaningless.
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Fair point re. top poster, could be mis-construed. I'll rename it 'highest poster' if we choose to keep it. Although these stats are fairly pointless anyway, as they top 5 in most categories is unlikely to change from day to day - it's useful the first time you see it, but adds little to check them again.

Zambuck, thanks for the heads up on the printer problem - I'll get that fixed.
Various bug-fixes...

* Searching of the forums works correctly now. (Search titles didn't used to work).
* The section you're in ie. forums, traderpedia, articles etc is now highlighted in the menu bar at the top - just to help confirm whereabouts you are in the site.
* The dropdown menus are now positioned correctly in the forum menu - they used to popup way out to the right.

And a nice new features..

* You can now search for exact phrases, by putting the phrase in quotation marks eg. "forex trade" would only match that phrase and not "trade in the forex markets", but without using quotations it would match it.
* New sub-forum added to Software forum called MetaTrader. Existing MetaTrader threads moved into it. It's to discuss you know what!

- JTrader, I'll take a look at this tomorrow - don't see a problem in extending it.
* New sub-forum added to Software forum called MetaTrader. Existing MetaTrader threads moved into it. It's to discuss you know what!

- JTrader, I'll take a look at this tomorrow - don't see a problem in extending it.

Nice one.
Also glad to see metatrader forum - it makes sense due to its widespread popularity with fx traders.
think something may be amiss top posters shown with 4 billion posts
unless they just need to get out more

programming error I guess... max equals 256^4 = 4294967296...
first & second in the list happen to have 1 less then this max each.

What about fixing the rep system so that we can continue to collect light green dots, beyond the current limit of 6?

on your wish list for x-mas? 🙂
Maybe, but some way after the early twenties 6 ft (could be a) super model (which I'm currently working on BTW 😉) .

I just like point out obvious improvements as & when i see them.

No problem, I'm with you all the way, it was my suggestion after all 🙂