I too was intrigued by what these ''Chinese Figures" could be. So I did a little back testing using the OHLC figures and the Buy and Sell points they give on the site.
I looked at 8 months of Ftse data (Jan-Feb 03, Jan-Mar 02, Jan - Feb 00, Jan 98) and four Dow months (Jan- Feb 98, Jan- Feb 03). Got bored after that....
Anyway I compared their numbers with Pivot Points as hinted at by Paul (Trader333). It turns out that their Buy Trigger is always 1, 2 or 3 points higher than R1 and their Sell trigger is always 15, 16 or 17 points above S1. Strangely this was true for both Ftse (prices in sample ranged from 3,500 to 6,900) and Dow (prices from 7,600 to 8,800).
I couldn't work out any rationale for when they added which of the three corrections. But it would appear that the precise trigger point isn't that crucial anyway. They advise on their How we Trade page that if you can't watch the screen"To minimise risk, it is safer to move the target entry price a further 10 points away". Apart from being a bit ambiguous (away from what?) it seems an oddly loose instruction.
Anyone had experience?