Zendas new strategy for this week

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Maybe I am looking in the wrong place, under Forex, but could not find the new live trades fromZenda, which supposedly would start today.

I think that she was going to use Bollinger Bands to show us the live trading system, not sure which currencies - but I guess it is those with the most promise.

Or maybe today (Monday) was not volatile enough.

Anyway, look forward tomorrow which hopefully, will show some trades.
Cheers Zenda.
Zenda is a multi-faceted personality with a predominantly masculine persona but employing an avatar which deliciously identifies the feminine within - yin-yang.

...or did you think CZJ really frequents t2w???
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Chartman, re above pst 2 and below post 32 on Calling all senior traders thread.
Well, Zenda, you really do seem to have a split personality. I haven't forgotten, even if you have, and others haven't figured it out. Toys and Pram spring to mind. And don't even think about asking me to explain. Or anyone else for that matter.

Come on Chartman, spill the beans if there are any. your a divil.
Ps any chance of throwing a low score in Asteroids arcade game to give me a chance to get on the scoreboard?
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Gradan, that was Chartman not Mr. Charts on the other thread.

Chartman is a moderator of these boards and provides a stunningly useful commentary on the Dow and electronic climbing walls. Not to mention his freely provided system for trading the Dow which many members use to their benefit. Selfless and generous in his time and patience. Chartman wil attempt to identify TA patterns and other criteria in advance of the market and - more often than not, get's it right.

Mr. Charts is a coach/trainer of trading the US markets. You will see him occasionally post charts of trades that he has taken in the past and explain what and how he did it which is theoretically extremely useful.
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I'll have to keep a look out for that Chartman guy..... Seems to know his stuff.
Now then , who was asking about Ms Zenda?
So Zenda looks like this?

Not the same is it :cry:


  • z.JPG
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TheBramble said:
Gradan, that was Chartman not Mr. Charts on the other thread.

Chartman is a moderator of these boards and provides a stunningly useful commentary on the Dow and electronic climbing walls. Not to mention his freely provided system for trading the Dow which many members use to their benefit. Selfless and generous in his time and patience. Chartman wil attempt to identify TA patterns and other criteria in advance of the market and - more often than not, get's it right.

Mr. Charts is a coach/trainer of trading the US markets. You will see him occasionally post charts of trades that he has taken in the past and explain what and how he did it which is theoretically extremely useful.

Bramble, thanks and apologise two both Mr Charts & Chartman whom I have learnt a great deal from. Not an excuse (clutching at straws comes to mind) but with the amount of charts I have looked at in the last two months??? A bit lame?? sorry anyway.
Bramble my nick name is Gardan! but following your posts and learning your wit, you new that anyway did'nt you.

Might be time for a break!
Thanks Grazan
Mr. Charts said:
I thought everyone knew who he is!!!

21368 members how many would you think knew who it was ?
I will have a guess at about 20 regulars, I have been checking the boards for about a year and I did not know.

Why do it ??
The only clue I had was that Zenda didn't like anyone atacking JB and Zenda kept using a link to his webstie. I thought Zenda might be working for JB, then ChartMan's post (on a thread that had nothing to do with this) gave it away. Up until then, I wasn't sure.

If this is true, and I presume as we haven't heard from Zenda that it is likely to be, it looks like the reason for doing it was to get extra traffic to the website to sell more products to the TTW members.
I wonder how many actual members there are on this site? and who has got the record number of aliases?
I also chipped in last week with enthusiasm about Zenda's new thread, and I believe his biggest
fan Johnny T mentioned he was waiting with 'baited breath' for these live trades.

Talk about a build up! Twenty posts into this thread and Zenda hasn't even appeared yet!

The feet are stamping, the restless slow hand-clap begins;
Welsh lovely(!), your public are waiting.
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