I'm assuming you want this to check how the market moved after significant (or otherwise) reports.
I don't know of any site that archives in such a way that is user friendly, but if you go to http://biz.yahoo.com/c/e.html from there you can opt look to look at last weeks and from there the previous week and so on...Yes, very tedious but from here you will see in the URL address bar that you can play with the page number ie http://biz.yahoo.com/c/ec/200348.html and change it to go back in time. Note that it is not a continuous range so you may have to shoot in the dark to find what you want. I got back to May 2001 before I got bored.
Actually I've just realised that Briefing.com do a friendly archive... but only on their Gold service which costs $9.95 per month - buttons for a man of substantial means like yourself I'm sure. In my view, though, it's worth it as a high quality, all in one news content source. That said, if you added up the cost of all those little services we subscribe to....................