US - A Stellar Economy?! Where are its globally watched indexes heading in 2006?


Experienced member
Out with the old, in with the new......

The old:

I officially declare the end of 'Where is the Dow and others heading in 2005?' thread.

The new:

US - A Stellar economy?! Where is its globally watched indexes heading in 2006?

Once again, 'wish you all a great year, coupled with prosperous trading!

Let the 'exchange' of knowledge, banter, sarcasm......oh & trading begin.......
User said:
Out with the old, in with the new......

The old:

I officially declare the end of 'Where is the Dow and others heading in 2005?' thread.

The new:

US - A Stellar economy?! Where is its globally watched indexes heading in 2006?

Once again, 'wish you all a great year, coupled with prosperous trading!

Let the 'exchange' of knowledge, banter, sarcasm......oh & trading begin.......
User - will this thread cover the three main US indices or just the Dow ?
If it is the latter then would it not be better to merge it with Racers new thread than divide the input between two competing threads !
three main US indices

Three main US indices. The old one covered the Dow 'and others'.....

This would cover the DOW, S&P, NASDAQ.

No competition, just carrying on from last years thread.....

The old thread use to cover the others as well...

What a session hey!......While I was thinking of a name for this thread I went long last night.....I could just feel the rally......No way did I think it will be this good though.....I had longs from before......a few were losing one was breakeven and the new one cleaned up!....Haven't even checked the gains....been out all day......flicked onto bloomberg a few times after 19.30UK time.....was too busy watching the footy......0-0!

I'll update with some charts later!......As I said at the end of the old thread.....11,000 is looking highs!.....No one will talk about short!......That won't be the real action though.......the slide or should I say pop will be the commotion for the year!

Good Luck all
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What a difference a day makes!


24 little hours :cool:

Interest rates rule and so does the FED!

Thanks fed for a grest 12 points profit in an afternoon rally

Entry around 1255 Exit somewhere above 1265

Thats 120 ticks * 25 = $3000 profit. Gee thanks mr Greenspan

Plus my $1125 morning trade that's $4125.

Xmas came early this year santa....1st day of the year !!! :LOL:

see chart.


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Smashing stuff TopIQ! Anyone fancy a similar rally today?

Yesterday was solid action and all three majors were travelling upwards in proportion to another......The Nasdaq did well......

Another move like yesterday would take us to highs and it seems pretty likely at this moment in time.

Who's still up for 11,000? 1300 and 2300?

Interesting to note that the major currencies are still rising against the dollar today further supporting the claim that rates may be near the end.......The question is will stocks follow the rally.......I'd say so.......

Good luck all
User old chap , could you possibly change the " is " in the thread title to " are "

U know it makes sense ! :cheesy:

regards C V
counter_violent said:
User old chap , could you possibly change the " is " in the thread title to " are "

U know it makes sense ! :cheesy:

regards C V
Here, Here, or shouldn't that be Hear, Hear :p
I'll try!

Sorry about that I was extremelly tired at the you can see what time the thread started! :devilish:

Great action on the DOW NASDAQ and S&P! Nasdaq leading, always a good indicator and a continuation seems likely......

I'm still long and I've never felt so optimstic about 11,000 as I do this time! In fact everytime last year I use to right off 11,000. Seems like we'll see it this week...

How are you guys positioned? (kriesau CV)

Couldn't manage 10900 on the Dow today but closing near the highs with the Nasdaq clearly leading is always a good sign for more gains to follow......
User said:
I'll try!

Sorry about that I was extremelly tired at the you can see what time the thread started! :devilish:

Great action on the DOW NASDAQ and S&P! Nasdaq leading, always a good indicator and a continuation seems likely......

I'm still long and I've never felt so optimstic about 11,000 as I do this time! In fact everytime last year I use to right off 11,000. Seems like we'll see it this week...

How are you guys positioned? (kriesau CV)

Couldn't manage 10900 on the Dow today but closing near the highs with the Nasdaq clearly leading is always a good sign for more gains to follow......
Not sure about the Dow - therefore still watching. Would like to see it break 10925 before I'm convinced about 11000 !
Currently long on NDX from 1699.
User said:
Great action on the DOW NASDAQ and S&P! Nasdaq leading, always a good indicator and a continuation seems likely......

I'm still long and I've never felt so optimistic about 11,000 as I do this time! In fact every time last year I use to right off 11,000. Seems like we'll see it this week...

How are you guys positioned? (kriesau CV)

Couldn't manage 10900 on the Dow today but closing near the highs with the Nasdaq clearly leading is always a good sign for more gains to follow......

Busy with other stuff just now. No trading for me for a few weeks .

Not a problem though, as I like to do a Six day study of the years opening range ......narrow range .......potential for mega break either way ...........wide range ......potential becomes much less .

I may post a chart or two for comparison purposes next week .
Would like to see it break 10925

I think that area of 10925-30 for the Dow could be crucial in its advance towards 11,000. If we bust that area then 11,000+ shouldn't be a problem......we could get a surge but it'll most probably get an extreme upside expectation......and expectations are dangerous...... :devilish:

I may post a chart or two for comparison purposes next week .

That would be good stuff!
Flat stuff really.

Good to see the Nasdaq leading once again.....

Could we get the surge up today or will we see it for Fridays session....

11,000+ by the end of the week???......I reckon so but we need some of the work done today......

Good luck all
Problem area for the Dow?

I'm looking at the four hour chart on the Dow and a close above 10900 at 20:00 UK time would definately let us see 11,000+...........

Failure of the 10900 region could well send us back towards 10700....

The Chart set-up is waiting.......the seasonal factors favour upside......What will happen? We'll see!
Spike up and slide.....

Should be short lived though.......more upside to come.....

Yes I believe we will close above 10900 the question is will we close above 11,000?...... :devilish:

I wouldn't count it out....

So anyone here feeling 11,000 today?
and short lived it was.....

Nice bounce from the lows.....above 10900 by about 30 odd points and 70 points away from 11,000......

Still possible.............Extremely possible..........
User said:
and short lived it was.....

Nice bounce from the lows.....above 10900 by about 30 odd points and 70 points away from 11,000......

Still possible.............Extremely possible..........
looks like we`re going to stay in positive territory today user, dont know about 11000 but 10975 is looking likely.Theres no way i want to be holding a long through the weekend though.there are several negative factors weighing at the moment,the failing health of arial sharon coupled with the loss of 120 people in yesterdays suicide bombings is bearing down on the middle east while in europe the dark clouds are starting to gather over russia and the problems with crude oil etc, all this and we`re bound to see another pullback from these levels.if we can get up to 10975 i shall be throwing a little short in for the weekend and maybe let it run till wednesday...
houdani said:
looks like we`re going to stay in positive territory today user, dont know about 11000 but 10975 is looking likely.Theres no way i want to be holding a long through the weekend though.there are several negative factors weighing at the moment,the failing health of arial sharon coupled with the loss of 120 people in yesterdays suicide bombings is bearing down on the middle east while in europe the dark clouds are starting to gather over russia and the problems with crude oil etc, all this and we`re bound to see another pullback from these levels.if we can get up to 10975 i shall be throwing a little short in for the weekend and maybe let it run till wednesday...
having said that we've just had a double top :(
Its sitting nicely above 10900 for the moment.......It could end at the highs.......or profit taking may slide the market below 10900.......

I reckon we'll close above 10900 though.....I'm still not ruling out 11,000 today.....
Well I've been going on and on for the whole of todays session.....I've been believing in 11,000 since the end of this year.......10700.......

I did mention that the Dow would close above 10900 today and it has I also said 11,000 looks extremely possible and with 35 points to go in 27 minutes it does look good especialy as we are sitting near the highs and looks likely that we'll get a close near the highs.....all was mentioned before.....don't know if anybody viewed this thread though.....its going a little slower than last years one.....

I'm still long with some large gains.....getting in at the lows is just such a great feeling.....

Now can I spot the top......not I can't see it......come on lets get a little end of day surge.....

i just posted this on TSmart thread.

I am looking for a pop & drop on Monday. 9th Is also a bradley turn