Win spread

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Hello everybody. Im relatively new to spread betting and hoping you guys can give me some info.
Has anybody been t o and ordered there trading e-book as its based around spreadbet daytrading.

Also which SB is better out of deal for free or capital spread??
Iv tried that deal for free software but it seems flawed! :-0

Ask yourself why would anyone sell a system that good for $97?

Why dont they just trade it themselves and make millions??

The trading industry is full of frauds, charlatans and snake oil

Dont encourage them by buying what they sell..
Somebody mentioned over on elitetrader that whenever you want to buy a system ask for 3 things;

1. An unconditional money back guarantee
2. 4 refs (email & telephone) from previous buyers
3. At least 1 years audited results

If they can't produce these then they're full of cr*p. The trouble is I doubt that there's ANY system seller that would/could do all 3 meaning that they're all basically a waste of money.

How can you rubbish something when it is quite evident you have no idea of they product in question.

There is too much negativity on this sight, a British disease or sounds like a griping loser to me.

I have a copy of Winspread and it works for me, in just the last week my account is up 24.9%.

There are many good and helpful people on this site that help for free, so why do you suggest the selling price should be more?

There IS a 100% money-back guarantee

There are statements from March 2001 and recent results.

The support is great and he has answered queries within minutes sometimes and within hours at the most.

What system do you two trade and how well do they perform, I will buy them if they are doing better than 24.9% in a week, please let me know.


Can you tell me what are the conditions of the 100% money-back guarantee?

The one time I was unfortunate enough to pay for something like this,a long time ago, I could only get my money back if I had proof that I had followed every trade for several months. In short, it would have been impossible to claim my money back.

I now distrust these websites 100%. The advertising looks the same as many of the other websites that are selling complete rubbish.

I also noticed a link to the Index King website.
Hi Big B

I think I know the one you mean.

A friend ask for his money back from CT and was asked for 3 months of paper trading results, we have better things to do.

He ended up getting a discount on his second book.

I beleive it is an unconditional guarantee, copied from website

"If for ANY reason you are not completely satisfied and do not make money following the system you have our 60 Day Money Back guarantee."

You could ask question to support.


I can easily rubbish it because it has the word 'secret'in it, as in 'A Top Trader's Secrets Revealed'. Any marketing that has that word in it is a con, pure and simple because there are no 'secrets'.

As for your account being up 24.9% in the last week then tick-tock, tick-tock it's just a matter of time before you lose a significant portion of your money because you're taking on FAR too much risk. Doesn't making 25% in a week concern you? Because it would petrify me unless of course there was a major move and you were positioned the right way (market crash, Sep 11 etc).

Also if I were you I'd try and base my success/failure in this business on at least 2 years, not a few weeks here and there because anyone can get lucky or indeed unlucky over the short term.

The real issue I have with these system and book sellers is that it's just too easy. Let's say I earn very little but have £2000 in the bank. I buy a system for £100, work part time at it and then in 1-5 years earn a very tidy sum, life is harder than that and trading is even harder.

So no I'm not negative, just realistic and realise that this game always has been and always will be about risk and risk managment, this in contradiction to you and all the other people that waste money on these products think that it's just a race to see who can make the most money.
I've just had another look at the stupid website and my jaw just dropped another foot.

74% in 10 days
22% in 4 days

How can ANYONE with a brain not spot the 'get-rich-quick' con?

Some of the best money managers in the world struggle and bust a gut day in and day out for the whole year to make say 10%-30% but this guy beats them in little over a week!

AND you can buy how he does it for just a few pounds with a money-back guarantee....

C'mon everyone please don't be so ignorant.

Look at his commissions on the CFD trading, what a joke.

He pays in £50,000 and then in a week pays £15k in comms!!!!

Mmmm, He has to make 30% a week just to break even!!!!!!

Wow, he really understands this business and how it works.....Oh but look he says that the comms are a 'too high' so hopefully he'll be able to get them down to a more 'manageable' 15% a week.

BUT, not to worry folks because he made 22% net that week, so how cares about costs when you're on your way to a lottery winners lifestyle within the year. And all for what kind of investment £100 + 30 mins a day.

We are fighting a losing battle here, there are 100 new suckers
born every minute...
Sorry but I can't resist reading this website to pick out some more gems:

From the website

But consider this, if you achieve just 1% of what the system has produced, this would still give you 50% return on capital EVERY MONTH. You would be lucky to get 20% per annum on the best managed fund.

He seems to be saying that 50% a month is a given. Let's start with £1000 and compound that up. That's about £130k for the year. Now let's compound that up for year 2. It makes nearly £17 million, but there are still some that don't view these kinds of results and potential somewhat suspect, especially when you'd only have to work for an hour a day AND the method cost you just £60.......

I like this bit as well

So how much are we charging for this remarkable system? A system that did make £11,000 in four weeks. Well you won't have to pay £2,000, not £1,000, not £500, not even £100. Order now and the complete system is yours for just $97 (£60.50).

Ever been to one of those con-job shops in Oxford Street or seen Del-boy operate because they all you EXACTLY the same language as above, 'I'm not asking you xxxx for it, I'm not even going to ask you xxx for it...etc etc'

If I can't sleep tonight then I'll add some more

You're right, let them find out the hard way.

I wonder if we'll get any private messages saying 'you were right, I wish I listened to you guys, why didn't I respect the laws of physics etc'

If you continue to make 29% a week, and you have £3000 in
your account to start with then in less than a year you will
a BILLIONAIRE (go on do the the calcuation yourself)

So i suggest you just keep quiet about this great system and
all the money you are making!!!
I have a copy of winspread and the technique is very simple. I too have made some good money with it. I have bought a few systems in my time but this is a good one. Firstly the advertising is a bit 'get rich quick' but the actual book contains some brilliant basic tips/rules that would save newbies a lot of time and money. You would be surprised at the simple things people overlook. I agree its expensive but it is packed full of valuable information.


You started being sensible and talked about money management, yes this is important and there is a full chapter dedicated to this in the book and showing if we halve one figure it would give us a 900% increase in profits.

I think it is great that he has made a profit with a 15 point spread, just think of the profit if it were on futures with a 2 point spread on the Dow and 1 point commission.

I averaged 37.4% retern on capital every month last year, this included two months when I did not trade and brought the average down. The site does say you should earn between 30-40% so it is spot on in my case.

Yes your compounding figures are correct, I personnally have 2 problems with them.

1. I tend to get a little nervous when I am betting £44 per point on the Dow.
2. I also have to live and always deduct some spending money last year it was £881 per month.

Also maybe that was the reason I was banned from internet trading by one spread firm, bit hard to compound things when you do not have a trading account.

I always keep an open mind on these things untill I hear comments from someone that has actually used them.

I would not buy anything from VC

"True wisdom is the knowlege that we know nothing"

If we know everything how can we improve our results.

I do not see the problem, if there is a money-back guarantee then you have nothing to lose.

maybe someone should see if they get their money back, not fair really as I know it works. But daytrading is not for everyone.

I just hope someone else post with actual knowlege of the product.

If the technique is very simple, why not just tell us? It might save a few people $97. I am sure they would have put something in it about not sharing the information but I am sure they wont be taking any legal action. They are either selling a product that doesn't live up to their claims or they will be too rich to be bothered.

The one I purchased also claimed to be packed full of valuable information but it was nothing I hadn't seen for free on the internet.
Big B

Tut tut tut

Wanting something for nothing, who is the rogue now.

I think this thread is getting away from the original question.

Faris was asking for help.

Faris, how much capital do you have to invest, how much time and what times of day can you spend trading.

This thread seems like a scam to me...

We first get Faris asking about, his First Post.

We then get juanbyte & jslee saying how wonderfull is.

This thread seems like advertising for winspread to drive
traffic to it.

I wouldnt be suprised if juanbyte has some sort of relationship
with, it might even be his site.
From memory I believe that Winspread is run by Chris Kobewka who is also known as juanbyte.

So it is hardly surprising that juanbyte is defending his website if the two are one and the same. Also if you are the same why not just admit it rather than speaking about your own business in the third person ?

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