Omnitrader Pro 10 and Visual Trader 4.0 ++


Junior member
I am selling Omnitrader 10 Professional and Visual Trader 4.0 licenses including the following modules and DVD's.

This package also includes membership of the Nirvana Club which entitles you to ARM & NSP modules, discounts on software purchases and priority support – Nirvana have agreed to transfer ownership. Please make me an offer for the whole lot. I am open to sensible offers.


OT 2010: Professional $1995

VisualTrader 4.0 RT
(upgrade to V7 for $295) $1495

Plug ins and Modules

ARM3: Funds, Futures, Stocks -
Brokerage Module -
CPRM3 $495
CPS 3.0 $395
Darvas System $249
Fulcrum Plug-In $495
GroupTrader 2.0 $495
Guppy System $195
Hot Strategy Finder $149
iTLB2 System $395
NSP-33 (free with Nirvana Club) $3000
Pring KST System $195
TurtleTrader Plug-in $395
Volume Systems $249
WaveTrader 2.0 $395

Educational Seminars

Profiting with Market Breadth DVD $199
The Power of Trade Plans DVD $49
Nirvana's Trade Secrets
Vol. I-Floor Pivots DVD $149
Nirvana's Trading Secrets
Vol. II-Opening Gaps DVD $149
Financial Trading Day 6 DVD’s
– Martin Pring and Ed Downs $99
The Power of Fulcrums DVD -
Trade the Groups 2.0 DVD -
Wave Trading Method DVD -

Nirvana Club Lifetime Membership $6,000
For Funds, Stocks and Futures

TOTAL COST (excludes NSP-33 - came with N. Club membership) ......... $14,237

Nirvana Club Lifetime Membership – ($300 a year) allows the following discounts:

Product Type

Software -50%
Educational Seminars -40%
Subscriptions -30%