The Unified Theory of Markets (aka Big Bertha) - Earik Beann

You bought a book for £3k and it wasn't some antique from a famous author or anything? FML.
Has to be said... If the book can live up to it's claims, you should be giving it away to the most deserving person...

As such, once you understand the laws that Bertha is based on, you will also be able to explain every single important turning point in any market, on any time frame, going back to be beginning of recorded history. More importantly, you will be able to forecast what the market will do in the future, and will be able to locate the most opportune places to enter trades for large gain.

I'll give you $10k for the book if you can demonstrate it does what is in bold above.
Has to be said... If the book can live up to it's claims, you should be giving it away to the most deserving person...

I'll give you $10k for the book if you can demonstrate it does what is in bold above.

wow, from the comments its obvious there is not much respect for this book. I am just wondering how he came up with such an astronomical price tag of $3000
Book now sold, thanks for the interest from everyone in private.

DionysusToast - I can understand your skepticism, but the quote you refer to above is actually very accurate. Bertha outlines a very simple structure based approach that allows you to see at any one point in time where the market will go next. It's not based on Astro or anything esoteric, it's just a very simple structure that runs behind all markets. Think of it like a cycle, but certainly not a static cycle (like Delta) where the same points occur at the same places each week/month/year, or whatever.

This structure provides the basic guideline, and then more precise tools are used to tell you where the market is most likely to turn. Then, the final piece of the jigsaw is the underlying trend situation, which the structure tools will help to define. As Earik says, you can be late or even completely bodge the entry and the structure will still allow partial profits.

Personally, my usual ES size is 4 contracts, so for me, it was only 15pts and the intial outlay was recouped. And quite frankly if a trader cannot make 15pts profit with a structure like Bertha behind you, they probably shouldn't be trading in the first place. Don't think of this as a mechanical system/method, it's more of an underlying structure that can be used alongside existing methods. That was my main reason for purchase - to add the time and structure element to what I was already doing. Once the content has been absorbed though, there's no need to keep the book sat there collecting dust, hence the sale. As I said to someone in private; it's like a novel you've read in the past - you don't need the book sat on the shelf to be able to remember it.
Book now sold, thanks for the interest from everyone in private.


Who the f*ck do you think you're kidding?

hi tradercheese
thanks for taking the time to post your feedback, observation and comments on the book, I can appreciate all that you have outlined and I do respect the work and effort earik beann must have done to write this book. I am happy to hear that you have benefited from the knowledge learned in this book
ahh! a new esoteric book to add to my collection alongside Delta, Matrix, et al.

Let me know if such a book becomes available again at a reasonable price. (ideally, latest edition, maybe for around £200-ish)
Book now sold, thanks for the interest from everyone in private.

DionysusToast - I can understand your skepticism, but the quote you refer to above is actually very accurate. Bertha outlines a very simple structure based approach that allows you to see at any one point in time where the market will go next. It's not based on Astro or anything esoteric, it's just a very simple structure that runs behind all markets. Think of it like a cycle, but certainly not a static cycle (like Delta) where the same points occur at the same places each week/month/year, or whatever.

This structure provides the basic guideline, and then more precise tools are used to tell you where the market is most likely to turn. Then, the final piece of the jigsaw is the underlying trend situation, which the structure tools will help to define. As Earik says, you can be late or even completely bodge the entry and the structure will still allow partial profits.

Personally, my usual ES size is 4 contracts, so for me, it was only 15pts and the intial outlay was recouped. And quite frankly if a trader cannot make 15pts profit with a structure like Bertha behind you, they probably shouldn't be trading in the first place. Don't think of this as a mechanical system/method, it's more of an underlying structure that can be used alongside existing methods. That was my main reason for purchase - to add the time and structure element to what I was already doing. Once the content has been absorbed though, there's no need to keep the book sat there collecting dust, hence the sale. As I said to someone in private; it's like a novel you've read in the past - you don't need the book sat on the shelf to be able to remember it.

Thank you for the feedback. If you have time can you answer the following.
Can you tell us whether we need Wave59 software to use this method?
Can you post a couple of pics on how it works.

Thanks goldtraderx - I'm sorry I was not able to wait until your decision tomorrow morning as originally promised. The other person raised his offer slightly when I mentioned your interest and sent the funds immediately. I will however be pleased to answer any questions you might have about the book if you are still serious about buying the book direct from w59 anytime in the future.

trendie - if you have studied Delta and MM, you will find Bertha VERY easy to get on with 🙂

nqtraderus - you don't necessarily need w59 to use the method, as long as you are able to square the charts using some other program (i.e. fix a ratio between time and price). Earik uses a simple method to pinpoint the turns using squared charts (he details the exact squaring ratios etc for the ES and how to solve for other markets too). w59 does this very well, and of course, there are scripts that plug straight into w59 for various other aspects too. But apart from that, the structure and cyclic components could be created and analysed via any program.

Regarding charts; it’s a bit difficult to post anything without revealing the various metrics behind the analysis. See the link in my first post for the type of thing, but bear in mind that the charts on that page do not contain the various overlays that are required to arrive at the various turn windows etc. Earik recently posted some live charts in the members forum giving his comments on what was likely to happen next and where the market was going to go, based on the Bertha analysis. Each turn came in as predicted… although ‘predicted’ is not the correct word because it gives a bit of ‘mystical’ connotation, of which this is not. It’s not some holy-grail mystical wonder method that turns someone into a Gann-esque forecaster, it’s just an unbelievably simple structure based approach that a 5yr old could see once shown. Once you know the structure, and you know where you are in the structure, you will know, with a high degree of certainty, where the market is going to go next. That really is it in a nutshell. There are then various other tools to further tune the exact timing of the turn (in time AND price), but really all of that is just an extra bonus because all you really need is the structure.

Who the f*ck do you think you're kidding?


Yup - it's just spam to promote the book...

Still - I could be wrong - which is why trader_cheese will demonstrate these amazing techniques by calling the turning point on the ES today.
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hi DionysusToast, I honestly dont think that it was a spam cheese trader was throwing at us regarding the book, I believe she is sincere and honest and with good intentions. I am interested in purchasing this book so if anyone else is offering it for sale please pm me
hi DionysusToast, I honestly dont think that it was a spam cheese trader was throwing at us regarding the book, I believe she is sincere and honest and with good intentions. I am interested in purchasing this book so if anyone else is offering it for sale please pm me

Why would you be interested?

do you know anyone that read the book & profited from it or are you just going by the claims on the site.

Serious question...
Why would you be interested?

do you know anyone that read the book & profited from it or are you just going by the claims on the site.

Serious question...

I honestly dont know anyone that has this book or of anyone that has profited from it, I only know what I have read on the website but earik beann the developer of this book has been in the business for the last 20 years and his previous works have been well taken by the trading community. His book Market Esoterica was well done, he explored new approaches in astro trading which I am a student of for many years myself.
So based on his background and reputation I am assuming that the information in his new book will somehow enhance my knowledge