Do you self-identify as a non-criminal psychopath (or sociopath)?

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Have you ever scored highly on a psychopathy self-assessment, or a non-criminal psychopathy test administered by a professional?
Do you - or your friends and family - think you may have a high level of psychopathic traits?

Oxford Film and Television are making a night of programming for broadcast on Channel 4, on the subject of psychopathy. One of our aims in is to look at high-functioning psychopaths and explore the particular character traits they all share which makes them so successful.

To do this we’re looking for a group of people who are willing to be filmed undertaking a psychologist-administered psychopathy test, and then take part in a series of experiments and challenges, to find out whether a higher level of psychopathy can give you the edge in a challenge-based environment – and real life.

If you would like to know more about this ground-breaking project, please email with your contact details, and a brief outline of why you would like to take part.
"Have you ever scored highly on a psychopathy self-assessment, or a non-criminal psychopathy test administered by a professional?
Do you - or your friends and family - think you may have a high level of psychopathic traits?"

I can't imagine you'll have a lot of volunteer psychopaths coming forward 😆

PS Most of the candidates have been banned from here in the last few weeks......
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Aren't all these psychopaths supposed to be running FTSE-100 companies?
There was some study which suggested psychopathic personalities did well in business.
(it was something to do with ability to exercise ruthlessness as a consequence of empathy blindness.)
Have you ever scored highly on a psychopathy self-assessment, or a non-criminal psychopathy test administered by a professional?
Do you - or your friends and family - think you may have a high level of psychopathic traits?

Sounds like it has the potential to be a piece of television made by nutters for nutters using nutters. I think I'll keep viewing to my charts!
Have you ever scored highly on a psychopathy self-assessment, or a non-criminal psychopathy test administered by a professional?
Yes but I ate the professional in question before I was given my score, does that count?
Do you - or your friends and family - think you may have a high level of psychopathic traits?
Not really, and the voices in my head agree as well 🙂
If you would like to know more about this ground-breaking project, please email with your contact details, and a brief outline of why you would like to take part.
I would like to take part for the lulz, and to eat, sorry meet new people 👍


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I hope somebody is going to hide all the knives in the cafeteria that day.

Any psychopath worth his (or her) salt would be imaginative enough to cause mayhem with a viciously sharp slice of mango. (wibble)
Have you ever scored highly on a psychopathy self-assessment, or a non-criminal psychopathy test administered by a professional?
Do you - or your friends and family - think you may have a high level of psychopathic traits?

Oxford Film and Television are making a night of programming for broadcast on Channel 4, on the subject of psychopathy. One of our aims in is to look at high-functioning psychopaths and explore the particular character traits they all share which makes them so successful.

To do this we’re looking for a group of people who are willing to be filmed undertaking a psychologist-administered psychopathy test, and then take part in a series of experiments and challenges, to find out whether a higher level of psychopathy can give you the edge in a challenge-based environment – and real life.

If you would like to know more about this ground-breaking project, please email with your contact details, and a brief outline of why you would like to take part.

you've missed the boat ........Celebrity BB launches on thursday 😛

A young veterinarian admitted to me that her parents' cat and dog hide under the table every time she visits.-
You only need to spend 5 minutes looking through some of the insano-babble Journals to find a sociopath or two.

Please see below quick test that should give you an idea of how you score....

Indicate the extent with which you agree or disagree with each of the statements below. If you strongly agree give yourself 3 points, if you agree give yourself 2 points, disagree 1 point, and strongly disagree 0 points. Then add up your total and check it against the scale to provide a rough idea of where you are on the psychopathic spectrum.

1. I rarely plan ahead. I’m a spur-of-the-moment kind of person.
2. Cheating on your partner is OK so long as you don’t get caught.
3. If something better comes along it’s OK to cancel a longstanding appointment.
4. Seeing an animal injured or in pain doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
5. Driving fast cars, riding rollercoasters, and skydiving, appeal to me.
6. It doesn’t matter to me if I have to step on other people to get what I want.
7. I’m very persuasive. I have a talent for getting other people to do what I want.
8. I’d be good in a dangerous job because I can make my mind up quickly.
9. I find it easy to keep it together when others are cracking under pressure.
10. If you’re able to con someone, that’s their problem. They deserve it.
11. Most of the time when things go wrong it’s somebody else’s fault, not mine.

How do you rate?

0-11: Low
12-17: Below average
18-22: Average
23-28: High
29-33: Very high

If you scored High, or Very High?

Then Professor Kevin Dutton would like to put you through a series of tests for a television documentary. Professor Dutton, a renowned psychologist from St Edmund's College, University of Cambridge, believes that people with high levels of psychopathic traits are made for success in the modern world. He wants to prove his point by meeting people like YOU and finding out what makes you tick.

He is looking for a group of people who are willing to be filmed undertaking a psychologist-administered psychopathy test, and then take part in a series of experiments and challenges, to find out whether a higher level of psychopathy can give you the edge in a challenge-based environment – and in real life.

The documentary is being made by Oxford Film and Television as part of a night of programming for broadcast on Channel 4, on the subject of psychopathy.

If you would like to know more about this ground-breaking project, please email with your contact details and your score, and a brief outline of why you would like to take part.
Won't you need a control group for this in the sense that you would need people in various categories to see if those with a high score outperform those with lower scores ? The reason I say this is that some people can switch how they are to suit a certain scenario depending on need without having a high degree of psychopathy.
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It's interesting that questions 9 and 11 are included as I wouldn't have thought they were necessarily indicative of psychopathy, but what do I know, I'm just a non-psychopath who has traded for a living for many years.
All the more reason for a wide ranging control group as T333 suggests.

You are appealing to a section of self-selecting, self-testing people whereas I suspect psychopaths who are unaware of their mental propensities might give rise to a more reliable database.
From where I'm standing, getting a high score on that
test would indicate more of a tendency to be an a$$hole
rather than a psycho.
I scored 16.

Its often said that INTJ is the best profile for trading.
That may or may not be anecdotal.
There are several high profile traders who I think broadly fit INTJ:
Warren Buffet
Paul Rotter
Paul Tudor Jones
Ed Seykota
Jim Rodgers
Jim Simons
Willaim Eckhardt

TBH, I think the lunatic, extrovert, arrogant megalomaniac caricature of traders
popularised by the media and films such as wall street,
news events such as Nick Leeson and so on is not typical.
Obviously there are people like that, Richard Fuld springs to mind, apparently...

In short, unless your program analyses the counter argument I've just
put forwards, it is just going to be a reinforcement of the trader stereotype.
Thats a bias which needs addressing, not for the sake of traders,
Its more a question of avoiding confirmation bias.
Traders are probably reviled by most laymen due to 2008 anyway.

I think much of that stereotype stems from the fact that some traders
are known for having a twisted sense of humour.
In general I think its more of a coping mechanism, or simply
continual exposure to events and news that lessen your emotional
response to it over time.

Traders are constantly exposed to outright loss,
volatile unexpected world events and so on.
Given time its does have an affect.
Much of how an individual deals with that is reflected
in their public persona, ultimately that is dependent on
the person, not so much their profession, but thats just my view.
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On second thoughts reading post #14 this does sound like an interesting project.

Over the years I've worked with people who would score highly on the test - many of them very high achievers but otherwise totally obnoxious.
Some people are assuming that because this company is posting on t2w that the focus is on traders.
OFTV is trawling on other non-trading web sites for candidates.
The other possible assumption, as yet un-articulated, is that it will be a typical TV hatchet job suggesting many traders are psychopaths. This sub-conscious assumption is created by the rather unscientific remark, "He wants to prove his point by meeting people like YOU and finding out what makes you tick."
However, I have seen two programmes made recently by OFTV, "David Starkey's Music and Monarchy" and "Chopin Saved My Life", both of which were excellent productions, so I do think it is genuine.
That might encourage the emergence of narcissistic and attention seeking psychopaths....