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    • TWI
      TWI reacted to atrrwilder's post in the thread Hedge Fund Startup with Like Like.
      I need help starting a hedge fund. Willing to train anyone who's serious about this. John
    • TWI
      Low 70's always a good entry for long Crude with current cost of marginal barrel. Forward stucture is backwardated so buying forward or...
    • TWI
      TWI replied to the thread Leverage question.
      Leverage allows you to hold a larger position in the market with a smaller amount of your own capital. In your case, a 30:1 leverage...
    • TWI
      I would suggest backtesting your idea with historical data and experiment with various entry and risk management criteria. Just start...
    • TWI
      TWI reacted to Nowler's post in the thread Energy/Commodity Thread with Like Like.
      Yeah the uranium story is unbelievable! Even without the recent realization how much power AI is going to require (which is A LOT!) the...
    • TWI
      TWI replied to the thread Energy/Commodity Thread.
      I have also been riding the Uranium bull and feel it has a lot further to go, it is linked directly to the vast energy requirements of...
    • TWI
      TWI reacted to Nowler's post in the thread Energy/Commodity Thread with Like Like.
      I suppose it's time for another "it's been a while" comeback message! So... It's been a while folks! I hope you've all been doing well...
    • TWI
      TWI replied to the thread Copper Bull Bull Bull.
      Thanks timsk, I have been adding to longs on sell-offs via conviction in the global supply/demand, it was not easy to maintiain this...
    • TWI
      TWI reacted to Sharky's post in the thread UK residents trading US ETFs with Like Like.
      I assume he means Tactical Asset Allocation, so just the methodology he follows for trading with US ETFs.
    • TWI
      TWI replied to the thread Copper Bull Bull Bull.
      I'm pleased to share that, as is often the case in fundamental based trades in commodity markets, patience has paid off. I firmly...
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