ask all you wanna know about trading for a living


Alright guys ;-)

Gonna shortly explain what this thread is about and who I am etc. The title tells u already: ask anything you know about trading for a living. I trade for a living since about 12 years now, have an online live trading room for my friends, worked 3 years for a propdesk in NYC and 1 year for a hedge fund in London. Today I trade my own account, run some client money and coach a few traders. I was born and raised in Europe, then lived in US and now again back in Europe. Please do excuse my bad english skills in advance brothers ;-).

I trade the following styles:

- long term trading stock and indices - only us - (kind of my retirement account ;-)
- swing trading stocks (only us)
- position daytrading the SPY and active stocks (only us)

In the past I traded way more actively, more scalping style for some cents and rebate-rading. Today I run more of a higher time frame approach. My real active daytrading days are limited to 1 or max. 2 days per week. I daytrade actively almost only the SPY.

I still do not yet know how active I can be in this forum but gonna try to be the most active possible, may even gonna be some live trades etc. but don't know yet, gonna see. Just doing this for having some fun and socialicing LOL.

Hobbys: HIIT, Nutrition, Health, AAA-chicks ;-), Sports in general, Psychology, Modelling, Algos etc.

Alright guys, questions? Shoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot ;-) and also do not mind to contact me trough my e-mail-address.

Kind regards

f*** hold this bid brother ;-)

quick look at some tools I used or use to trade (just mentioning the ones I found or still find a good choice):

execution platforms: sterling, Laser, Lightspeed, Tekion
ANalysis: Eginal, Tradestation
Scanning Software: trade ideas, or use for free EOD scans or
Cyborgtrader for risk management and algo-style
Broker: I am my own broker brothers ;-)

ECNs I route most of my liquidity: EDGA, NQBX, BATS, ARCA, NASD (used a lot of special routes and routing strategies in the past as well as mid point routes etc.)

Alright, that was it for today, still gonna do something for my Sixpack now brothers ;-) - if you like BJs - your sixpack should be your best friend ;-).


But: Obtaining a sixpack and single digit body fat percentages is very very similar to trading for a living. Both things take a lot of time + effort and 99% of people who tried or not gonna stay in business a very long time ;-).

Cheers + take care

and the very last one today regarding acceptable commission fees, routing etc.: Pretty simple ;-) - your net tading result at the end of the day should not be much different from your brut trading result ;-). In this example commission fees, SEC fees, routing costs etc. should be all together more or less 0 at the end of the day or at least not put u heavy into the red.
alright, this is gonna be the last one... paper trading: Forget about it... Better trade only a 5K account then paper trading. You learn trading by actually putting trades on and especially by losing money. In this business you first have to learn to lose money before becoming able to earn and keep money on a steady weekly basis. I needed about 5 years to become steady profitable and I killed about 10 accounts during my trading career till today. There is no shame about losing, try to see losing trades just as the cost of doing business.
Re: tools

Alright, that was it for today, still gonna do something for my Sixpack now brothers ;-) - if you like BJs - your sixpack should be your best friend ;-).

Actually I think that you will find that muscle mass around the abdominal area will severely hamper your chances of getting a BJ, think Marilyn Manson.
@Sir: before I get to my HIIT-session ;-) : I just mentioned this because it is something I do for staying focused and feeling observed by other people, I mean those were the reasons I started it some years ago, to be honest: the reasons were 100% egoistic ;-). Today I just spend in it maye 1-2 hours per day while doing live comments, but actually it is no business I offer, it is just something I offer to friends of mine or the few people I coach for free. But not something I offer to a broader public or I wanna make money with. I do not even answer questions in this room, I just live comment the market, having a morning session and an afternoon session. For the way I trade environment is key, stuff like market internals, economic events, Volatility, momentum, daily volume, etc. etc. etc. If I would offer this to a broather pulic I would have to at least explain myself every 2nd minute and then this tool wouldn't be anymore what it is right now: some external instrument to control myself.
Re: tools

Actually I think that you will find that muscle mass around the abdominal area will severely hamper your chances of getting a BJ, think Marilyn Manson.

LOL - goooooooood one brother ;-). But it is funny, you know, some friends of mine are so called BBs and most of them don't have a single digit bf... Sixpack is the ultimate challenge, therefore in my opinion it is very similar to trading. Amost all people I know who trade for a living since some years say that trading was the biggest challenge they faced in their life. Even bigger then obtaining a nice sixpack to get some BJ's from some AAA-model-chicks LOL ;-)
Alright, gonna try to be online every day and answering questions etc. But we will see... Tried this brother public stuff several times and it always got killed after some days... But gonna try my best to keep it going. See u guys maybe 2mw.
Are you trading US stocks ?

Yeah. Only US, I mean only trading us-hours and us stock exchanges.

@other "questions": you understand if I am not going to answer them - right guys?

Just have a few, so one thing I forgot to add about routing is that I often use *ALO-ECNs to make sure that I only add liquidity if I trade stocks with bigger spread etc. Also using only hotkeys to trade. Gonna try to going a little bid more into some symbols I trade or traded today maybe after close.

GOOOOOOOG Trading brothers 🙂
Do the AAA chicks view you as AAA, BBB, CCC or maybe even ZZZ?

Just wondering 🙂

Still have to answer this one... Just out of fun, CNBC today isn't that much fun anymore LOL. So, very simple: Why whould you care about the view of girls if you get AAA-chicks??? I honestly don't care my friend... And just still something: Normally the guy who doesn't care gets the best ones LOL.
Why whould you care about the view of girls if you get AAA-chicks???


Can you share some of your pick up lines as I'm struggling somewhat, even with the ZZZ girls.

Perhaps you use -

"I'm a hedge fund trader with a 12-pac" (12 is always better than 6).

The trouble is I'm neither a 'Hedge Fund' trader, nor do I have a 12 pac, or even a 6-pac for that matter.

Should I just lie? You know, fake it until I make it, brother :cheesy:
Re: tools

quick look at some tools I used or use to trade (just mentioning the ones I found or still find a good choice):

execution platforms: sterling, Laser, Lightspeed, Tekion
ANalysis: Eginal, Tradestation
Scanning Software: trade ideas, or use for free EOD scans or
Cyborgtrader for risk management and algo-style
Broker: I am my own broker brothers ;-)

ECNs I route most of my liquidity: EDGA, NQBX, BATS, ARCA, NASD (used a lot of special routes and routing strategies in the past as well as mid point routes etc.)

Alright, that was it for today, still gonna do something for my Sixpack now brothers ;-) - if you like BJs - your sixpack should be your best friend ;-).


But: Obtaining a sixpack and single digit body fat percentages is very very similar to trading for a living. Both things take a lot of time + effort and 99% of people who tried or not gonna stay in business a very long time ;-).

Cheers + take care


spanish69 ?

Edit: Hoggums already got there.
No-one wants to be identified with failures. If you can keep your investors’ portfolios safe, even in spite of small profits, you’ll still be popular with them. But if you go after the biggest possible profits within the shortest possible time (this target is attainable, but rarely leads to everlasting success in the markets), and you happen to lose your investors’ portfolios, you’ll lose your popularity. Once one’s popularity is lost, it’s extremely difficult to gain it back. It’s better to be safe than to be sorry. Some gurus were popular yesterday, but because of impatience, they lost their reputation. I’ve always featured profitable generals of the markets, and will still feature many more. However, I’m not interested in market wizards that crashed and got burned.

There was a guy here saying exactly the same thing, and I mean exactly. What a coincidence.

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